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  • just due to the inadequacy of my oral cavity!

    to be honest i'm actually a bit run down right now, but absolutely nothing major. everything's cool. thank you for caring!
    Androgyny? Yeah, such people tend to be much more interesting than people who are totally masculine or feminine.

    You value me as an individual? Wow. Thank you. Not many people say that, or even think that way.

    I know, but labels are often all that we have to describe ourselves to others. It takes a long time to learn enough about a person to see them as anything more than just their label. I've rarely known anyone long enough or well enough for them to see anything more, unless you count the Internet.

    Yes, you did use a shirt as a metaphor. Don't feel bad, I often use obscure computing concepts, or mirrors as metaphors. At least people can understand yours.

    Well, that works out well if it's true. I get along really well with ENTPs. They tend to love my sense of humor, and vice-versa. Oh, there I am with my labels and generalizations again. LOL.

    Yeah, I usually lose my closest friends within a year. I can relate to that... if I've thought about a topic much, I'll have a lot to say. If I haven't, I'll probably just say something nice but brief.

    It could. ENTPs tend to be good at Fe... well, by my standards, anyway. It's their tertiary function.
    Indeed it is. Not many NTs see that... some of them just rail against it, and complain about how stupid it is that people respond that way.

    Depends on how you define NT. My function order is usually Ni > Ti > Fe > Si=Ne > Se > Te=Fi. At least for now, my two strongest functions do create an NT pattern, but don't qualify me for membership in any of the four types in the NT temperament group due to lack of Ne and Te. In other words, all my information and processing is internal and passive, and the only outside process that gets fed is Fe. I just use all that reasoning power to find ways of minimizing damage to my reputation, at least in the outside world.

    So technically I'm an INFJ because my strongest extraverted function is Fe, and my strongest function is Ni. Situations like that only come up when I'm not expecting to deal with a given kind of social interaction. I just seem a bit helpless, inadequate, polite, compliant, and shy. You know how there are some Ts who are really, really poor at reasoning, but still clearly Ts? Well, I would be the F equivalent. Most people think I'm sweet, but not very good at processing things appropriately without plenty of advance notice. I do display far more embarrassment/apologizing when I get things wrong than most Ts do, though, which is what makes up for it.

    Chances are I'm like that because my Fe is largely programmed to neutralize itself. I generally end up finding I get along better with others when I withdraw than when I engage, especially since I'm shy, Fe isn't quite as appreciated in boys, and I'm not that good at it anyway due to inexperience and skill "rusting."
    Aw, thanks.

    True. That's good, at least I don't have to worry that you'll expect too much too soon, then. The thing is that I haven't had any real-life friends since I was in High School three years ago. Haven't had regular contact with any virtual friends for a few months, either. So it's just been work-related interaction, and buying things. I used to be better at this, but recently someone had a relative who died, and I went like this. "Oh, sorry to hear that. They didn't make you pay for the funeral, did they? They didn't? Well, that's a good thing, those are pretty expensive. Wait, I feel like I'm forgetting something. Oh, yeah... my condolences." So, I'm figuratively trying to pull the rest of my Fe 'out of mothballs' now.

    It's okay, as long as you got back to me. :)

    I wasn't sure you wanted a reply to that message. I was conflicted, because on the one hand it seemed like you might want a response to the hug and saying "love is free," but on the other hand you said "I'll reply tomorrow," which made me think it was just a reassurance you were offering to let me know you were going to reply later, and that you didn't expect a response.

    Yes, I suppose it does. Again, probably would have realized that if 80% of my Fe wasn't in mothballs. :doh:
    Oh, my goodness. I really offended you, didn't I? Sorry. I'm not very good with people. I've been fairly isolated for a long time, and I'm not used to interacting with people much past the superficial level required to work and get along with them. I'm not used to genuine personal attention... don't always know how to respond to it. Not that I don't appreciate it, though.
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