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  • Odd? Yes. But there's at least one other like me. I didn't keep in touch with them, though.

    Troubled? Probably, considering the sort of issues that pushed me to it in the first place. It was a combination of feeling trapped, along with not being accepted or taken seriously by others, combined with a terrible fear of death and pain. This was tied up with a desire to be female, about which there was nothing I could do safely. So I found it easier to shut everything emotionally connected to that part of myself down, rather than suffer with it daily.

    I know, it can be interesting to see what makes people tick.

    Another NT with feelings? I seem to draw a lot of them. It's only natural considering that I'm close to being their counterpart. Don't worry, if you have any embarrassing emotional moments, I'll either comfort you or ignore it, depending upon your preference at that moment.
    Yes, for the most part. It's not that I never feel anything, just that it doesn't "stick." Basically, I might feel something in the moment (Se or Fe), but a few moments later it will be gone with no residue. If you don't let yourself internalize it, and let go of it, it goes away quite quickly. Certain kinds of emotion that depend on being internalized and thinking of my own feelings for a reaction have ceased to effect me, though.

    It's because I've always seemed to have this inherent ability to "reset" my mental/emotional state to neutral if I focus, and it only got stronger after I realized this method.

    Have I ever mentioned my functional order?

    Ni > Ti > Fe > Ne=Si > Te > Se > Fi

    I'm not an NT in the MBTI sense, but I have to admit that having the introverted form of N and T as one's most used functions could certainly make something like this easier.

    I still have a lot of Fe traits, though. For instance, I'm bothered by disharmony, and I still feel pity for people who have problems. I care about being polite and politically correct in certain situations. There's more, of course, that I can't think of right now.

    You think I'm intriguing? Thanks, I think.
    I will hurt you very much if you slight my mommy in any shape or form!

    First...I will rip out your throat, then, I will get myself and a buddy of mine to play wishbone with you dying body until we split your carcass in half to see who gets the side of the ribcage that has the heart in it! Then, I will cook the heart and have a celebration, decorating the walls of the room with you blood and cuts and eating the rest of your body in act of dirty cannibalism!

    I'll make sure to decapitate your head and have it creepily stare and people and then put it in the sink where the weak of stomach who enter the bloody room will repetitively puke on your head! I might even pickle your head and inject it with zombie DNA and put the jar ontop of a robot thus powering it!

    Oh, and if you're successful, Melkor... you won't NEED to avoid seeing or interacting with people. You won't need to avoid working. You just truly won't care that you're missing anything, even when it's rubbed in your face. You'll only feel amused if they do so, in fact. You'll be able to just play a role, display appropriate emotions, and not really value anything at all. I'm serious. It's all internal work, and if it's done right, nothing outside you, no matter how much you're exposed to it, will be able to make you revert unless you allow it.

    The root of it all, is forcing yourself to accept that desire, and holding onto the past or nostalgia in any way... are nothing but weakness, and must be eliminated from within yourself.
    I should add, though, that this may actually strengthen your sense of humor, irony, and curiosity.
    Anyway, I'll tell you.

    It's very simple. It involves devaluing Si and Fi until they're irrelevant to you. It also involves putting up barriers between Fe and Fi, so that you can use Fe without it evoking much Fi. I only know for certain that Ti is key to getting rid of Fi, so you're already halfway there. All that remains is devaluing Si... I would guess that sentimental memories are what keep you longing for something to value. So all you have to do, then, is defile those memories. Keep acting in ways that declare them worthless, switch from any viewpoints you've held in the past that you cared about, but couldn't find any logical reasons for.

    Once you kill most of the Fi and Si within yourself, you should be relatively free of any heavy emotions that could lead to obsession, needing another person, depression or suicide. The "unuseful" emotions, if you will. You'll be able to smile or cry when it's appropriate, and appear to be whatever is expected. But you'll be totally dead inside. Nothing will evoke a genuine response that will last for longer than 5 minutes after it happened.

    The price? Well, you'll have a weak sense of self, and no longer desire anything in particular, except perhaps survival and comfort. But for the most part, your perspective will be fairly free of distortion by values. Yours especially, since you aren't as F to begin with.
    Oh, my! I'm so sorry, I keep doing that... posting in my own profile instead of replying properly. It's so hard to tell, sometimes.

    Right, but there are many large cities in the U.K. as a whole, right? Because I guess most states don't have that many major cities (except maybe in the Northeast), but the U.S. as a whole does.

    Your phone? Ah, yes, it must be one of those smartphones. Some of the newer ones will have Flash and Youtube support, so pretty soon you won't need a PC anyway. I really don't like typing on a touchscreen, though, which is why I still use a laptop. I'm a trained typist, so my speed depends on it.

    Oh, yes, I'm okay. I'm used to not having any friends. Are you one of the NTs who would envy the fact that I've grown cold to the need for human contact/friendship, and contented myself with a virtual world? Like I said, it prevents negative feelings, but it also makes you very passive, disinterested in most things, and disconnected from yourself in many ways. So be careful if you try to emulate this in pursuit of greater detachment, or whatever it is you're seeking.

    It's probably one of the reasons I use Fe semi-robotically... there's little Fi left behind it, because that function been suppressed and drained to irrelevance, so what's left is very mechanical.
    Actually, 6 was almost as good as 7 in terms of story, but it was overlooked largely because it was a 16-bit title without terribly advanced graphics. Some of the graphics were REALLY good for the SNES, though.

    Oh, and by the way... what do you make of these? The first one is an FF7 video with a song, and the second is a song that USED to be paired with several video clips of Sephiroth bringing down the moon.

    [ame=""]YouTube- Crisis Core - Eye of the Storm[/ame]

    [ame=""]YouTube- Assemblage 23 Divide[/ame]

    EDIT: I didn't mean to clutter your page with video players, I just meant to put links. They were auto-replaced. Sorry!
    Hehe. I've occasionally thought a full floppy disk felt heavier, too. I actually tried weighing it, though... and to my disappointment, it was never heavier at all. Even if I filled it up with highly compressed files. :(

    7 was one of my favorites, too. I think there's something universally appealing about that game. I've only played the real FF7, though, as I don't have a PSP. I'd say that I related to it as well, and see it as relating to several themes in my life.

    Sometimes I feel like the southern parts of my city, Dallas, are a lot like Midgar. Though I suppose most urban areas with slums would seem to be that way. The scene where Aeris died made me cry. I like the music of all the FF games. A crush on Cloud? Well, he was a very cool mercenary type. I can see why an INTP would find him attractive.

    Professor Hojo seems to be the archetype of an extreme/crazy NT. Sephiroth would probably be the NF counterpart.
    Well, I've played Final Fantasy 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7 all the way through. Haven't played the newer ones (8, 9, 10, X-2) yet. I also haven't played Final Fantasy 2 or 3 yet.

    I played 5 via an unofficial translation. 6 was also called 3, and 4 was also called 2 in the first US localizations (not sure about Europe).

    Which ones have you played, and what was your favorite? My favorites were 6 and 7, though 5 is pretty good.
    Way too hot and humid.

    Anyway, living with my father kind of sucks. Especially since I have to watch him turn my half-brothers into ignorant serial killers. He's letting them have and shoot REAL guns, at the ages of 9 and 10. His justification is that his supervision will alleviate all the risks involved. Also, he yelled at them to shut up while they were talking to each other about how to solve math problems. It's really upsetting.

    He's also an ESTP. Go figure.
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