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  • Due to the core of our society being based on intelligence, (We agreed that if we populated the world with individuals like ourselves, not given to conflict and thoughtful, peace would ensue) we felt that childhood was highly important, so motherhood needed doing by proffesionals in controlled enviroments, with children only returned after their (passively intelligent) personalities were forged. Of course, he was much less keen...

    It might sound eerie, but we were both NT's and it seemed very sensible.
    Melkor, you are awesome.

    I've never had anyone agree with me on that idea before. You feel much as I do about the pointlessness of race and gender politics, how they obscure both the individual and the similarity inherent in our collective humanity.
    Yes! In fact, when a coworker and I tried to write out rough plans for a 'perfect' society on late shift (it was a bookstore, nobody noticed!), the main thing we focused on, due to my insistence, was destroying culture differences and eventually, any sorts of difference.

    We figured even if we had a city with similar architecture everywhere, they'd find something to fight over, ya know, one half was in the shade or something.

    I was very keen to abolish gender roles, I even wanted to negate birth.
    Oh, and the forums are going down soon.

    In case they don't come back up.
    Note that I didn't say British, I said UK. I heard that Ireland is part of the UK, but isn't British. I phrased it that way on purpose. Oh wait... unless you're from the other Ireland. It might not be part of the UK. I think there are two of them, and... come to think of it, I hear they don't like each other much. Sorry if I got it wrong.

    Ah... well, I don't know if it would be correct to say it's pure hatred. It just feels "wrong," I guess. Like it's a mistake that's difficult to cope with. I've never wanted to get a tattoo or a piercing, or anything like that. It's as simple as feeling strongly that I should have been born another gender, and experiencing discomfort/dissonance because I wasn't.

    You do? Do you imagine a world of androgynous people, where people are produced by genetic engineering and cloning rather than sexual intercourse? I can see how that might be appealing to an androgynous person, and even I think it would be a good thing if things became that way in a few hundred years.

    British slang? The cheek!

    It's Irish Gaelic, thank you very much!

    Yes, you seem to have hit the nail on the head, but I also find it somewhat unnerving when people are so unhinged over their own gender.

    I understand a little ambiguity here and there, and I despise gender roles... But when someone hates their own body so greatly that they wish to dramatically change it, and can find no peace besides that... it's just sad.A

    I have similar complex, fantasy futures...
    Oh, thanks, then. It must be U.K. slang. I'll keep that one in mind.

    I occasionally imagine myself in another town, as a girl, with friends. Those are the best ones. I just like to sit and daydream about how I would get there, and what I might do or say, what kind of job I might have, etc.

    Of course, there's also the regrets of all the things I didn't do when I still had time, and now I feel like I've missed every opportunity to do anything with my life, because all the doors started closing in 2008. Those would be the self-destructive and wistful ones, I think.

    Not sure what the vanities would be, though.

    Wow. I'm so moved. You know, I tend to have that effect on INTs, and I think I know why. I think it's got something to do with the fact that I'm so self-critical that I don't expect anyone to care about me, try to take care of myself, tend to be sort of detached, yet still tend to be self-sacrificing towards others. I think they feel sorry for me, because they relate to a part of me, and somehow watching me inflict the same kind of apathy/indifference on myself that they tend to display towards the world... affects them profoundly and makes them care about me. I don't know why, though, and I could be wrong.

    I wouldn't consider you worthless. You're interesting to speak to, and I learned a UK slang word I've never heard before. :)

    I thought that you might pity me. I'm sorry if I evoke so much pity that I worry you, or make you feel like you have to do something. Really, it isn't your fault... but thanks for caring, cara. ;)
    Cara means friend^^,

    Uhm, how good? I'm not sure if vanities and self-destructive, wistful wishes count as good dreams.


    I must be turning into a feeler, because I have frequent urges to provide you with some sort of aid, instead of my usual indifference, or assumed indifference.


    Can't be any more worthless than me!;P
    Cara means friend^^,

    Uhm, how good? I'm not sure if vanities and self-destructive, wistful wishes count as good dreams.


    I must be turning into a feeler, because I have frequent urges to provide you with some sort of aid, instead of my usual indifference, or assumed indifference.


    Can't be any more worthless than me!;P
    Well, surely it can be cleared up eventually if it's just the phone. It can't be that difficult to repair it.

    Cara? Is that a nickname?

    Well, yes. But I wouldn't say they're all bitter dreams. Sometimes they're good.

    The exchange rate between the dollar and other currencies has fallen again. I would be making a lot of money if I could have kept my money in a bank outside the country before everything started falling apart. I don't know how much longer it will be before the dollar is as worthless as a Mexican Peso.
    It's okay, Melkor. I thought maybe something like that had happened.

    I remembered that your last comment involved a complaint about losing a comment you had typed. I'm glad that I don't have to rely on a mobile telephone's connection to the Internet for that very reason.

    Do you have any idea whether it's just your telephone, or whether your ISP is experiencing difficulties?

    Anyway, if I don't hear from you again, I'll know that you were cut off from the Internet. I hope you're doing well aside from that.
    Melkor, my love!!! What is your cute little angry spiteful adorable self doing today?
    haha. yeah, our respective personalities are totally stunted. there should be welfare programs for people like us. x
    Ah, right I forgot. Martial Arts Ninja's are beasts, especially late game.

    Some maps are really good for Geomancer though. The battle outside Lionel Castle, for one, (not sure if that's the official name) has lots places to turn people to Stone with Geo. Some of the other effects, I admit, are too useless to care about.
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