Oh, thanks, then. It must be U.K. slang. I'll keep that one in mind.
I occasionally imagine myself in another town, as a girl, with friends. Those are the best ones. I just like to sit and daydream about how I would get there, and what I might do or say, what kind of job I might have, etc.
Of course, there's also the regrets of all the things I didn't do when I still had time, and now I feel like I've missed every opportunity to do anything with my life, because all the doors started closing in 2008. Those would be the self-destructive and wistful ones, I think.
Not sure what the vanities would be, though.
Wow. I'm so moved. You know, I tend to have that effect on INTs, and I think I know why. I think it's got something to do with the fact that I'm so self-critical that I don't expect anyone to care about me, try to take care of myself, tend to be sort of detached, yet still tend to be self-sacrificing towards others. I think they feel sorry for me, because they relate to a part of me, and somehow watching me inflict the same kind of apathy/indifference on myself that they tend to display towards the world... affects them profoundly and makes them care about me. I don't know why, though, and I could be wrong.
I wouldn't consider you worthless. You're interesting to speak to, and I learned a UK slang word I've never heard before.
I thought that you might pity me. I'm sorry if I evoke so much pity that I worry you, or make you feel like you have to do something. Really, it isn't your fault... but thanks for caring, cara.