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  • Of course not, why would you think that? :D

    Just kidding, I'll think about shearing if you find me another victim. Deal?
    Nope it's the other way around. :)

    *unleashes the fox!*

    Nyahahahahahah! (Because that's totally how a Fox's evil laugh would sound like!)
    Such a silly bunny, thinks he can run away from me. *sinister cat laughter and cloak fluttering while coming after the bunny* :D
    You just managed to bribe this kitty into not eating you for lunch. Keep the bribes coming, or I'll have to come after you.

    *probably will sell my soul to the devil for cookies* :D
    Oh my god this is awesome. Thank you, thank you! I'm going to have to really dig through what you've said when I'm a bit rested. I don't have the money right now, but I'm going to be needing to make a purchase in the near future so what you've posted will help a lot.
    haha no in the very least! I think I am a long way off from doing the book writing thing. But I'll get there.
    Can you let me know what you think of it when you get it? I've been curious about tablets but no one I know has one, nor would I know where to start looking at specs and such.
    Pfft, my birthday never mattered. It has always passed by like another day. Family used to buy a cake when I was lil, but now everybody's just too busy to pay attention to silly celebrations, including myself.
    I would like to write books for a living. I am pretty sure I'll do it. I just don't know when.
    It's exceptionally boring. Not what I want to be doing the rest of my life. Technically I could stay here the rest of my working life and be just fine. Pay is decent, benefits are good, etc. But it's just....boring.
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