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  • I'll take half now and save half for you for when I'm sketching out. You can probably barter the coffee in order to keep your head.

    What is it, 7:30 where you are? Think of it, bed now would mean lots of sleep!
    I work in customs brokerage. Basically the middle man between Canada Customs and importers in Canada... Basically transmitting the info about shipments crossing the border to customs so they can clear in a timely manner. Not very exciting at all. It comes down to typing information into a computer, photocopying and sending faxes lol.
    *coughs up little brown cloud of dust*

    Got any more?
    Haha, what spa? I have to clean up my room, it's been a mess for months now. :P
    haha I'm just doing it for the extra money more than to help out. Small sacrifice to make for some extra cash!
    I am going to sleep alllll weekend and it's going to be great. I can't believe it's 9pm and I'm getting ready to go to bed. It's not even dark! I'm front-loading my sleep and should I become a zombie by Thursday I give you permission to shoot to kill.

    *slurps entire bucket of coffee at once*
    I usually work 4pm to midnight. Today is supposed to be my day off but I offered to take on a midnight shift for tonight that needed covering. Every time I cover midnight shifts or work over time it gets harder and harder to recover from it. I must be getting old lol.
    with you? anytime ;) i adore that movie, and it'd be some experience watching it with a 2 headed rhino xD
    Yup, I'll always be ahead of you. :P Just kidding, when I read some of the things that you wrote here on the forum I think that you could be one of the rarely wise and smart persons.

    I think I'll take your advice and get myself into the bed. :)
    Around 11pm. I'm trying to get myself to get off to bed, because I'm having a few busy days and I should get some sleep, but I can't seem to move my butt. :D What so nice about your day?
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