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  • You know, I'm not entirely sure what it meant but I was thinking it had to do with Trout speaking in the narrator's father's voice. I assumed that the narrator was in fact Vonnegut, and coupled with the idea that Vonnegut would soon attempt suicide, I think he was regretting things about life or reminiscing about the innocence of youth. Vonnegut's mother committed suicide when he was in his 20s, and his father pretty much became reclusive until he died of lung cancer. I think it had to do with seeing too much; the destruction of the world, people becoming more and more "mechanized" in the actions and thoughts, and how lonely it is living in a world of "machines." Youth would bring ignorance to all of this and basically set Trout free, as it would Vonnegut from the suicide of his mother and the disintegration of his father's personality. That is of course all a huge stretch based on family history, but I always get the feeling that Vonnegut puts a lot of himself into his works.
    Think about it man, our ugly two-headed rhino body is becoming ever more hideous which really mines we're reaching our prime. Soon we will become the ugliest creature on Earth and every woman on the planet will want us!
    Thanks for the link!

    I'm getting ready for work, and will be off to it in a few minutes. Sleep well and have pleasant dreams. :)
    Stupid me, I managed to post a response to your post on my own wall which is probably the reason why you didn't see it. So here it is:

    Hmmm, now the book sounds even more interesting, I'll look it up. I guess that I'm interested for the same reasons you found it interesting, people tend to label you if you are an introvert and those labels tend to be offensive sometime, not to mention not true.

    Nope, what's symphony of science? Link please! :D
    Those sound like great books!

    What have I been doing with myself. Hmmm... Pretty much just working full time, running a home, dealing with my tooth infection and looking forward to dental surgery Aug. 31st lol. So, I've been keeping busy with that and of course, working on self improvements etc. I would love to have some holiday time, but it won't be this year by the looks of things financially. Next year though would sure be nice. :)

    I'm glad to hear from you! Do you ever spend time on msn? I'm rarely on msn but it would be cool to visit that way sometime. :)
    The car is doing much better now. The bill came to a total of $1600.00 and that was for a waterpump, a fan belt and a tension belt. I also needed an oil change and he roatated the tires because the guy who did all four of my breaks last monday, forgot to do them. I also needed a new rotar, so yea, my wallet is looking thinner!

    I'm happy to hear about your good weekend. What books were you reading? :)
    Things are pretty good thanks John, thanks for asking :) my girls have two little friends sleeping over so the house is rather loud lol. But they're having fun and I enjoy watching them playing.

    How are things on your end? How was your weekend?
    Yeah, I read slaughterhouse a couple years ago. I don't remember a whole lot about it (besides the plot and themes) but it was pretty interesting. Not my favorite of his but it is his most famous for a reason. A completely different style, but all of the little thoughts and interjections are still there but not to the same extent. It's slightly science-fiction but again, very thought-provoking. I'd recommend it. Breakfast of Champions is a real deviation from his usual story-telling so it's not a great example of his writing style, but rather his merit and ideas.
    Awesome. I think it's one of those books people either love or hate, and I'm glad you're of the first variety. The draws are pretty funny at times, too.
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