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  • I don't know. :( I think it was too hot in my room and lack of sleep from before. Also, I have been forgetting to take my medicine. Just very uncomfortable.
    My mom walked in my room to tell me one of our relatives had died and I was asleep so she was coming to wake me up, when she got close to me I screamed. I was still sleeping but she just looked like a scary shadow in my "dream". :( I was so terrified.
    Not the night before but today I did! I woke up screaming though. :( That is happening more frequently...
    lol! no no, I like debating. Our problems were beyond that.

    I can be a philosopher! Sometimes my brain just never stops thinking. It's gets tiring and exhausting after a while. That's when I fall asleep. :P

    Things were oright today. I had my cal class, and I enjoyed it very much. Now I have to start preparing for my exams..which means long sleepless nights. How about you? How was your day? just sounded like my ex-bestfriend. He always wanted to know more about the world. He's right now backpacking through Europe for the sole purpose of discovering this world and finding the connections between everything. We always used to have debates and discussions about these topics.

    This Universe is a masterpiece! There's no way that something so complex yet beautiful in its own complexity is a product of coincidence or mere chance. Wherever I looked and researched for explanations of how the world works and how everything is interrelated, I was provided with strong evidence that this world is the work of something far greater and more perfect than ourselves, and no matter how hard we try to figure it out, we'll only be able to understand a small portion of it.

    That doesn't mean that we should stop looking for the truth behind it all. I believe that the more we know the more we can appreciate the life that is around us, as well as the life that is given to us. I absolutely LOVE reflecting about the universe, our morals, and why people do the things they do. It makes me feel alive. Much like Zarathustra. I read that he left his wife for months and decided to go on a journey, just to figure out the difference between Good and Evil, and that he found his answer from watching the day turn into night and vice versa. And I truly believe that if we pay attention, nature and the universe can provide us the answers we seek.

    Hmm, you can be happy and you can be at peace, if you choose to. Those two feelings are irrelevant of how much you struggle or of how much you achieve in life. I mean there are people in the world who have absolutely everything that the average person could dream of, yet they are so unhappy in life and so depressed. And there are others who are grateful to be given another day even though they don't have much. I think that you make your own happiness. I also think that struggling and striving are essential to leading a good life. A diamond would only form and exist underneath an immense amount of pressure for a long long time, wouldn't it?

    Oh man, once you get me started on these topics, it's hard for me to stop. Haha, I'm sorry.
    and thanks for your compliments about my profile. I found the background from this site. It has beautiful patterns if you're interested.
    Your nephew is adorable. =) Is he taking after you in anything? :P

    The US didn't require passports from Canadians before, but they do i think. You're right, flight costs are too much, that's why I am going by bus. Yeah, fly Away told me she's moving out. Hopefully, she'll keep in touch.

    You must have SOME idea of what you want.. It just depends on how clear your goal is to you. You just have to know what drives you in life. The reason you wake up every morning. You find that out and you start from there. Forget about what society and people expect from you. I believe that you should go after what you want in life with everything you have. Figure out what you want most, deep deep inside, and aspire to it with a flaming passion. =)
    hehe awe, you look good with no hair, some guys can't pull that off! (and thanks) *hugs*

    I'm hangin' in there. My weekend has felt lonely and confusing but I'm happy to be here with everyone and having a laugh. How about you, how are things going?
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