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  • Lol, when I was 16 I worked at a local grocery store that was having a big meat sale. So I go in to work one day and they ask me to hold a sign on the busiest corner in town. The sign only said, in painted letters, meat for sale. I stood on the corner for 7 hours. So in response to your job offer, been there, done that, and will do it again! You can even skim 30%

    Once again, it looks like it's up to you to save the world. Damn cluster fucks. Have you ever thought about running your own IT business down the line? I mean, it might not be a great time to start right now, but I could totally see you doing it. You'd probably offer the best service in the state!
    I'm doing pretty good today. I've been pretty busy this week. I went over and did some landscaping for my grandparents. They heard I was without a job, and surprised me with some cash for the work. It's awkward getting money from my grandparents because I would have done it for free, but I really appreciate what they did for me today. Their neighbor was outside and was watching me work, and wants me to work on her yard, so I have another job lined up with that. Perhaps my summer job as a landscaper a few years ago is paying off.

    A teacher from high school called me today and said that he had money for me. When I graduated I had two of the same mouthpieces for my saxophone, and knowing I wouldn't need two after I was done playing, I gave one to him. I'd forgotten all about it, but I guess he finally sold it last week, and got a good deal of money for it. So that's a plus also!

    How about you? What's new?
    Hmm, I can see how that could happen. My friend in engineering is also ISTJ, her and I get along pretty well, but that's coz I take on a more ST persona sometimes. College/work just demands it. I get more ENFJ-ish (sometimes ESTP-ish too) when I am out with friends tho. Haha, I just been in so many places with so many people that I learnt to adapt and tune in quickly. :P But I know I am an INFJ at heart. =) You're friends looked like nice people tho. You know them from work?

    Drinking might help you loosen up a bit, from what I heard. I personally don't drink. But we can always make a lil effort and step out of our Introverted shell and have some fun ;)

    I wish it was for that reason! lol I don't get on cam much coz I feel self concious and shy most of the time haha. That, and there's creepos lurking around sometimes, like last night. So I don't feel comfortable. But last night was fun with Dove and Kav, so I guess I don't mind with the forum people.
    ESTP? that is very different, and kinda fun =) you were somewhat outgoing last night haha bu tnot enough to dance!! like you said you would. How many beers did you end up having?

    I don't usually have my cam up on chat with people, ESPECIALLY people I don't know in irl, guess there's a first time for eveything. haha So, did your friends decide to join the forum? since we're fun people to hang out/chat with?
    was good to be there =) guess I was wrong about you being bored tho lol
    lol! yes too much light can be very unnerving...and environmentally destructive. :P
    Thanks =) and I like your new avatar. you look relaxed...or bored. haha
    If you were condescending to me it whizzed right past my brain. No. It's good to bring closure to a thread like that. I was super high strung when I posted it originally. It was weird to go back and read it through and then compare the past few months.
    Yes I am with the 'rents. =/ I agree! I will love living on my own!

    Hehe, Well sometimes it's the small things that are the most important. :) I am sure you had a very badass nap and a delicious sandwich! :D
    Yes, I agree. :( I actually just wish I was living on my own already.

    So what did you do that was outstanding? :)
    Too good to be true. I'm not superstitious but I must say that I'm becoming reluctant to tell people how happy I am. It's good that you are not just people but NAI so I can tell you. :D

    Things are going really well, and my learning rate is through the roof which I'm especially happy about.
    haha, I don't beleive you for a second! you don't come off to me as shy at all
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