There is something that we covered briefly in my intro to psych class today that might interest you- I remember you expressing a fascination in neuroscience. We were reviewing the different types of amnesia; Anterograde amnesia: where the ability to convert short term memory is lost so that the person afflicted with it can retain no new information past a certain point, and Retrograde amnesia: where the person afflicted has no recollection of events that took place before whatever caused the amnesia.
The professor showed us a video clip of a man named Clive Wearing who, in 1985, came down with viral encephalitis that resulted in damage to his hippocampus. He now suffers with both anterograde and retrograde amnesia. I looked up the video that she showed us when I got home, and it turns out there's a series of them. Thought I'd share.
[ame=""]YouTube- Life Without Memory: The Case of Clive Wearing, Part 1a[/ame]
That's the first video in the series, and you should be able to find the next one from the page that the video is on should you be curious enough.