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  • What, bffs can't pelt each other with green jello now? Since when did that become a rule? :D

    There is something that we covered briefly in my intro to psych class today that might interest you- I remember you expressing a fascination in neuroscience. We were reviewing the different types of amnesia; Anterograde amnesia: where the ability to convert short term memory is lost so that the person afflicted with it can retain no new information past a certain point, and Retrograde amnesia: where the person afflicted has no recollection of events that took place before whatever caused the amnesia.
    The professor showed us a video clip of a man named Clive Wearing who, in 1985, came down with viral encephalitis that resulted in damage to his hippocampus. He now suffers with both anterograde and retrograde amnesia. I looked up the video that she showed us when I got home, and it turns out there's a series of them. Thought I'd share.
    [ame=""]YouTube- Life Without Memory: The Case of Clive Wearing, Part 1a[/ame]
    That's the first video in the series, and you should be able to find the next one from the page that the video is on should you be curious enough.
    Thanks for the rep.

    Btw, great thread about Zarathustra. Looking forward to reading your analysis.
    Oh, ew...that's a problem.
    You seem to have made quite a name for yourself here! :wink:
    LOL talking to you on two seperate forums now. It's cool how you can add people as friends on here!
    Then why can't the universe be infinite? :(

    John <3 You read a lot of books. I respect that.
    You're one of the smartest people I've talked to on this forum, and probably smarter than most people I know IRL. Every time you post, I get a little orgasm.
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