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  • Existential knots for me are Ni-Ti loops. I skip healthy interaction and start obsessing over interpreting and cataloging data as it materializes. I can get fixated on sorting things out with a fine tooth comb to better understand them... i.e. analyzing life so much that I fail to experience it.

    Must. Do. Better.

    As for motorcycles, I'd prefer something cruiser-ish. I'm not looking to zip through the Lincoln Tunnel at my mortal peril on a crotch rocket.
    Crud. I sent you a visitor message, but our power blinked and I lost it. So I took the opportunity to start my loads of laundry, and in true Si-tard fashion... completely forgot what I had written.

    I do the same. Instead of a handful of mastery, I'm stuck with an abundance of mediocrity.

    FWIW, my tone is often self-deprecation.
    Is there a way to access reputation comments when they aren't new? I can't seem to locate the link.
    Thanks for the rep! I would love to talk about it with you some time. Just say the word.
    I quite new on here, and you seem like a friendly and intelligent person. I will check out the book you suggested ernest becker, the birth and death of meaning. Thank you.
    If my comment on your blog seems weird or out of place, let me know and I'll delete it.
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