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  • Yeah, I dabbled in Flamenco for a year or two, but it's been at least three since I played any seriously. I've probably forgotten a good deal of it :(

    Anyhow, how've you been?
    yeah, I was searching online and found it. Seems really interesting. I'd like to take some time to read it entirely myself.
    Waiting to see if this girl I friended on fbook this morning will accept the friend request...

    That sounds promising, NAI. 'BI'? what's that?
    I'm always curious about other peoples experiences during interviews, I guess that by shearing them we get to learn more and prepare better for the ones that we'll have.

    Did you read "How would you move mount Fuji"?

    What about bittorrent? As a protocol? I use torrents, but I'm not too familiar with network protocols, not beyond what I need to know for using them at home or possibly at work.
    The members seem very excited about your new position. You the belle of the ball 'round these parts?
    Congrats on your technical prowess landing you a job without pay. ;)

    We can do a cookie collection if you'd like INFJ remuneration:
    What!? I help you and you stab me in the back??? Well, power does corrupt indeed!

    The name's just inspired by the mythical entity. I'm way to shallow to put any religion behind it.
    Congrats on becoming a tech admin! :)

    I've been meaning to ask you if you have to recommend some more of those teaching stuff. Something like that TTC is, but mostly in video format? I liked that math dvd because it's a video lecture. I'm interested in different subjects, from literature to philosophy.
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