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  • We'll get you sorted out with your new found status in a bit. I need to poke the upper-ups to create new user groups and we gotta lay down a bit of policy (I think?). It's unoffical at this point, but just wanted to welcome ya to the team :D.
    omfg, I got jacked at The Borgata in A.C. and my iPhone is in the hands of a ne'er do well.

    Blech. I am one angry lil INFJ right now. I'll bother you later. :( Work now...
    Hah! Right after I hit it big on slots. I'm visiting Atlantic City and Im headed to the Borgata.
    Too bad we are in differnt countries. I bet we'd both benefit from going out and whining over some drinks together, lol
    I know you didnt :D You were trying to make me smile like always, and it workeded...:D :hug:
    Oh I like that. I think I could handle that:
    I'm trying to, omg! Hence the motorcycle activity. I love the open road. I refuse to drive anything but a manual transmission, so I'm good at being an attentive driver and I think that knowledge will translate well to motorcycles.

    I think my love of driving was always a Se-indulgence, but I just didn't realize it. It gets me out of my head and into the present. I think "being present' is easily one of the hardest thing for an intuitive to achieve, because our experiences are usually post-mortem. We're either ten steps ahead or ten steps behind.
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