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  • Yep, I'm doing the whole family thing too. I'm excited, though! I rarely get to see all of my aunts and uncles together... and there are a lot of 'em. It'll be great.
    Your avatar is really great, one of the best I saw. I still cant't explain why:)
    Haha, thanks man! Things are holding up on this end, not as good as they could be, but not too bad. How's life treating your half of the body?
    Ah god, I know. This has been like, the busiest week ever. Tomorrow is my day to relax (at least a bit) and I'm excited!
    Thank you a thousand times for mentioning The Teaching Company, because obviously I had to look up what was it and found something amazing. :D

    I got the Mathematics from the visual world downloading, and from the first few episodes it looks too good to be true, I can't wait to see the rest. Actually some of the later episodes might prove very useful to me on the thing that I work on right now.
    Thanks for the congrats!
    I am now doing the 'proud baby elephant walk' around the room.
    This reminded me of one of my professors who is otherwise a great expert but extremely nervous, which results in constant waiving hands above his head, and nervous walk around the classroom. And he is of a small built and bald at the tip of his head, but otherwise have a bit long fuzzy hair, kind of looks like a mad scientist. :D

    His nervous episodes used to distract me so much that I couldn't listen, so I used to make some facial expression like I was hardly into what he was talking, so after a while, since everybody else used to look down to their papers during his classes (it was either that with listening or my thing) he started teaching to me, and to this day whenever he sees me he stops me to ask me how I am and what I'm doing, he even congratulated me on my focus and attention during his classes not knowing that I was somewhere else in my mind all the time. :D Great guy!
    I tend to get witty when I'm supposed to be studying and instead of it choose procrastination. Thanks for the rep. :)

    While I'm at it, I liked your reply on preferred learning styles, sadly I think that the kind of prof you described is hard to find these days.
    Thx for the rep! Yo dawg, I herd u like rep, so I put some rep in yo rep so you can feel good while u feel good!
    Is that what you're talking about? If it is, it looks cool. Hadn't heard of it 'til now, and I only know a little about Hypatia from when we briefly covered history in astronomy.

    (By the way, the whole bad mood thing was a joke in case you hadn't picked up on it. I realized you probably don't know me well enough to know that I actually get legitimately angry like 5 times a year.)

    splatty mcsplats
    And you're lucky I'm in a good mood today, especially considering your response to my virtual downfall comment! I'm dangerous when I'm angry... :m059:
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