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  • I bought two voice-activated dancing toy flowers and put them on the stage while they were performing, and they set them on top of the bongos and let them dance through "The Most Beautiful Girl In the Room." hahaha
    Thank you John, my icons don't work, so I'll send you two hugs right back *hugs* *hugs* and lotsa rib-crushing squeezes, lol
    I'm living alone right now, so thankfully I can avoid smokers for a while.

    I can't see you as an aggressive person at all! I can imagine how tense you must have been for that first week. I hear that the first week or two is the hardest, any truth in that?

    Yeah, the tinglyness always goes away during the day, but comes back at night. It's only been a few days that I've been having it, but I'm keeping an eye on it.

    Dang cigarettes.

    In other news, what's new in your neck of the woods? (besides the exciting new purchase)
    Was it something that would persist for a few days at a time, disappear and then come back, or was it a pretty constant thing?

    My completely uneducated hypothesis is that it has something to do with nicotine and the way it hardens artery walls. That, and I'm in pretty lousy shape compared to what I used to be. The four flights of stairs up to my place takes all the wind out of me, and I used to be able to run them without being slightly winded.

    Either way, I'm glad to hear that it's pretty much gone for you. Your story gives me hope.

    If you don't mind my asking, what was it like for you when you gave up smoking?
    You had the tingly left arm when you woke up too?! You have no idea how much relief it is to know that at least someone else had it too.

    Any idea what caused it?
    I've only shot a gun a couple times, but it's a real rush! I'd never be able to pull the trigger on anything but an evil pepsi can. Those deserve to die.

    That thing is bad-ass! And surprisingly cheap. Do you have decent firing ranges near where you live?
    Ha! You bought an AK-47?

    Wanna go trolling some thread with that thing for realz? I mean you could be an internet tough guy, with the guns to back it up!
    (did you seriously by one, or did I just completely fall for it?)
    How about a nice mellow Columbian blend with low caffeine to easy into the evening?
    A never ending cup of your favorite coffee?
    What flavor tickles your fancy?
    *tries to run away from other head*
    NAI, you're breaking my heart. I look up to you so much, and I admire everything you do. Must you cut my head off? My feelings have been trampled. I just want us to be like we used to be. *puppy dog eyes*
    Life's been crazy and hectic, but nothing to complain about too much.
    I threw out the ciggies today, so I'm kinda excited about that.

    How about you, what 'cho been up to?
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