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  • I love cacti.

    Right now I'm nurturing an aloe
    vera plant for my best friend.

    I always let the spiders live :x
    Scratching my forehead, lol.

    I'm going to buy flower pots in a bit.

    you want to animate some plants for me?
    It was broad. We focused more on religion
    as the theory rather than specific religions.
    That's too bad ):
    Because that would have been cool.

    A year ago I got to see an African drum
    concert and it was really really cool.

    If we plan specific times I can walk
    along my river at the same time you
    walk along yours.
    I do not think you wish to manipulate or
    control me which is why I didn't immediately
    close down the conversation.

    These are things that I have to think
    about very thoroughly, these questions
    that you are asking me.

    Usually if something bothers me I don't make
    any statements in regards to it, I just deviate
    away from it subtly.

    I feel as though I do not fit in with my peers.
    I do.

    I feel like most people wish to only know
    this information in order to get inside my
    head and aide them in their attempts to
    manipulate and control me.
    I'm not sure what metrics I use.
    Something to do with human relations.
    There's a vast difference between who I am
    and who I am expected to be. I cannot bring
    myself to be who everyone wants me to be.
    No, I'm not sarcastic.
    Most I don't sit down and think
    over and over and over and over
    again for weeks.

    Uhm, yes.

    Do I panic? I usually scout out someway
    to escape in order to avoid having to panic.
    If I am on the fringes near an exit I do okay.
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