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  • I did and I was even going to comment on it
    but I need to think about it more before I
    prematurely post.
    Sometimes I like to be serious in my posting,
    you know.

    general anxiety - 7
    social anxiety - 9
    I don't know enough about the functions to
    properly analyze you :x

    Buttt I can read into them and let you know
    when I've come up with a theory for you???

    Why don't you believe me to be anywhere near a
    neutral state?
    hmmm, I think Nuclear fusion is a bit of a 50/50 example :P

    I just find it incredible though not at all surprising that such a large amount of money is injected directly into weapon research which of course then tilts the scales so that there must be more money put into defensive research.....which again tilts the scales the other way.
    My favourite flavour of kool-aid is grape.

    I could taste all the alloys in the water
    at my school.
    I was more thinking about the effect a discovery has on the ecosystem or on people in general not in terms of the projects completion. Not all scientists think about what will happen and what their discovery will be used for they just want to be published or make money...a good portion anyway which is a shame.

    But I've taken another drink (;

    I think I can taste the plastic in the water.
    Can you?
    Scientists unfortunately do not use foresight and very often don't think of what could come from their inventions or discoveries....kinda wish they would considering some of the results. I'm not shooting down the pursuit of knowledge in any way shape or form but I do believe that scientists are people should think of what could come from their findings.....though....just try and put that notion forward to scientists *rolls eyes*
    Agreed but they won't all be accepted by people as a whole and if they do it'll be gradual and not at a consistent rate in comparison to medical advances that increase life span which means there will be a population problem which as with all highly populated areas increase pollution which increase the evolution of diseases and so forth....I suppose they could be seen as natural culling mechanisms but it depends on how brutal they turn out to be which is to say quite given super bugs which are being born from anti bacterial agents in cleaning supplies.
    I would say yes.

    I'm drinking from a plastic cup.
    I'm trying to convince myself
    it's okay.
    I wonder the societal impact of such development, maybe it should be developed to a point and then wait till other planet colonization is possible before continuing :P
    Best we've got going is kind of a mix and match way of doing things, taking parts from one and throwing them in the's like monkeys trying to fit the right shaped block into the holes.
    I remember when my mum had hers taken out, had to get knocked out with anesthetic because they essentially shatter the tooth and remove the bits of's amazing how even though we consider ourselves advanced services like dentistry are still somewhat barbaric in comparison to others.
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