I'll fall into whatever form.
You can have first choice
if you'd like. I think you're
more bear-like and I am
more leopard-like. Mainly
because leopards run a lot.
Well, I don't think you should box being Ti dominant quite like that. You're a person, not a stereotype. You're allowed to have diverse interests and expressions.
How do you stress? What do you do? Let's see if we can figure out what's going on with your inferior functions.
I am well. We have very lovely fall weather today..Though that means that I have no desire to be in school today .On the brightside, it's my last day of classes for the rest of the week.
How about yourself, what have you been up to today?
I came home, made a birthday breakfast for my mom, and now we're heading out for a birthday lunch, followed by a birthday dinner and birthday cake. I think I might have to make a stop over there later tonight too. lol.