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  • Oright, I'll be on after the movie ends. But not for long, because I feel bad about keeping you up so late.

    Edit: What thread?
    Oh, tonight? Not very much. I'll probably be working on some posters after the movie ends. It's tomorrow that I have got to a bazillion things to do.
    He's good. Coming back on Monday. I missed him. Too bad I won't be able to go pick him up since I have my classes and workshop when he lands.
    Green Zone's a good movie. Why did you lose interest?

    Well, my mother is busy talking to my father, so I have the laptop for now. We usually hook up my laptop to the screen and we stream online.
    New one. It's called Untraceable. It looks kinda good actually.
    What are you up to?
    You can probably volunteer at the library where you'll be moving.
    Yeah, the To-do-List isn't even half way checked off. :S
    Right now, I am watching a movie with my mother and sister. (They seem to have created a tradition lol )
    It was wonderful! and I got lots to tell you about it. In jest, I got to meet lots of people, do lots of things, and talk to my colleagues and meet others in the same faculty as myself.

    How was your day at the library?
    Just had to let you know that I too like the smell of gasoline.

    Good question.
    I'll be up for about another 1/2 hour reading over my slides for tomorrow. If you're still awake I'd love to chat, if not I sent you an email, and I bid you a wonderful night. :kiss:
    I am making spaghetti. I've been craving it for while. I've been craving tuna too, I should get me some tomorrow.
    My sister picked Yours, Mine and Ours. Never heard of it so I'll concede. :P

    How did meditation go? Did you get your full 30 mins?
    Just stopping by to :hug:
    I am making dinner and then going to watch a movie.
    What are you up to? did you get to eat yet?
    Yeah, I'll probably find a way to manage it all. Can't shrug off the feeling that I might slip up somewhere tho.
    I got stuff to tell you, but I have to go now. I'll ttyl.
    Have a wonderful day! =)
    Thanks. Ugh, so do I! I am exhausted. It doesn't help that I am working for 14 hours this weekend, and that I have all that extra work and studying on top of it :(...I want cuddles.
    Don't worry, I'll dress appropriately.
    It's at 2:15 my time. Meaning, I'll have to leave around 1:00 from my place to get there on time.
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