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  • I am eating almonds.

    Why'd you miss meditation yesterday?
    - I have not meditated yet today...
    I just spilled my coffee on my blanket ):

    I am going to read more of Vonnegut sometime.
    I would like to own all of his works. I would like
    to own several novels that I do not. Oh what
    simple pages I waste all my money on. But I
    just feel comforted by books. Always. They're

    House of leaves is definitely worth a read.
    I would read it a few times, if you decide
    to read it at all. The first time I read it all
    the way through. The second time I went
    through and read one pov from the chapter
    and then the other and then the other before
    moving onto the next chapter. It required a lot
    of page flipping and it was a little more time
    consuming but breaking it up like that really
    opened the novel up to me. It's pure brilliance.
    Good Morning! I am off to college, I'll try to be on sometime tonight. If not, I'll make sure to write an email.
    Have a wonderful day. :kiss:
    You better believe it. One of the women I work with asked to have it so she could wear it when she went Trick or treating with her kids, and she is going to save it for next year hahaha.
    I'll just have to find out some juicy info about you to give him then. This is war. Gossip war.
    Nooooo! I don't want him to draw phallisis (phalli?) on my photos and put them on his blog! It will ruin me =\
    And you sir, are amazeballs. That's my word of the week stolen from Perez Hilton.
    The Year of the Flood by Margaret Atwood, Antony and Cleopatra by William Shakespeare, this is an incredibly girly book that I read and fell in love with when I was a sophomore? It's a triology, the second was my absolute favourite it's called Rebel Angels by Libba Bray.

    I also enjoy the series Abarat by... I cannot recall whom (oopsies ): )
    I really enjoy the depictions of scenes and characters that he painted
    and incorporated into the story.

    I also like House of Leaves, The Scarlett Pimpernel, and The Sirens of Titan.
    Lol! :P

    I like her style and the things that she
    writes about. I like her stories and her
    characters. I believe her characters to
    be very well developed.
    I know the place you're talking about.
    The last date I went on we ate there.

    I really enjoy Ayn Rand's works. I know
    a lot of people don't but I have a certain
    appreciation for Russia and the meaning
    and the light and the theory that she
    creates and demonstrates and translates
    is just quite nice for me. I have such a
    passion for that geographic location I know
    her works are fiction but she lived through
    the revolution and that does translate into
    the art you create. It shapes your work of

    I love HP!

    I would like to read some more Edgar Allen Poe myself.
    Does it make it any more evil that I constructed a bright pink Fruit Punch Juice Box costume, wore it to work and ate all the deliciousness like that?
    I am reading We the Living again.
    I really enjoy it. I'm quasi reading
    Arabian Nights at the moment, too.
    Ironically. However I stopped at
    page 58 and have not picked it up
    again. I should, sometime. Before
    I forget it all.

    I should also finish this one book by Anne Rice.
    I don't really like Anne Rice's work... It's difficult
    for me to sit down and read it. It doesn't excite
    me or sway me in any manner. I don't understand
    why she is so popular.
    But I hate leaving books unfinished.

    What did you eat for lunch that day with your friend?
    Do you recall what they ate?
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