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  • I have a feeling that's how I would pronounce
    philosopher in english if I were foreign.

    The Philosopher's Guild.
    For the last... three months?
    I've been reading philosopher
    as Fy-low-so-four's Guild. I'm
    not even sure how I went this
    long without realizing it was
    I have bad news ):

    I dropped my computer down the stairs
    (it was either that or a baby, obvious
    choice) and it cracked my screen and I
    believe it also broke my camera because
    now it's not functioning. What I'm
    getting at is it might be awhile before
    I play for you. I think what I may do
    is just record it somewhere else and put
    it on youtube instead of playing for
    you in tinychat, though.
    Oright, I'll leave you to work then and I 'll go finish up my power-point and then practice afterwards. My presentation is in 4 hours that should be enough time to get ready.
    What?! No, I would never do that. Not even jokingly.
    It meant that I was red like a tomato..
    Well, if you ever need any help let me know. (Although I know you won't

    It needed to be reinforced in my mind.
    I know the only reason I'm upset is
    because my ego is hurt. I know this
    is juvenile. And it's why I only did
    call him twice (just in case he was
    sleeping the first time). I can't bring
    myself to force myself into his life.
    And feeling the need to because I
    think it's the proper way to share that
    I care, chasing after him or whatever.
    But I really don't want to. I don't care
    that much. He mostly made me uncom-
    fortable and said improper things. So
    I'm not going to call him until he answers
    as was suggested. If I cared that much,
    I would have left a voicemail the second
    time I called.
    Sometimes it worries me how easily I let
    people go.
    lol, that's not what the tomato was for but oright.
    Cool. Reciprocals and exponentials are very useful in applied sciences.
    I guess the nice thing to say, the proper thing to say
    would be "apology accepted". And I do appreciate
    that. Very much. I do not mean to have upset you or
    offended you in any manner. I am just trying to be
    more direct with my feelings and showing that I can
    be there and such. Again.

    :kiss: :hug: :kiss: :hug: :kiss: :hug:
    ( I thought a mix of the two would do the trick. Is it working? :P )

    I am feeling more confident indeed, but I'll take the hug anyways, thank you very much! :becky:

    Edit: oh wow, that turned out to be colorful. lol
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