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  • This isn't really early, but it's relatively early to the times I usually go to bed at.
    Orighty, I bid you a wonderful night hun!

    p.s. I just conquered your VM wall. ;)
    lol!! You're with people and on the computer?!
    Get off of it and hang out with your friends (or focus on the meeting :P)
    I might go to bed early tonight, need to be all energetic for tmrw.
    That's good leadership on his part. =)
    Are you getting yourself ready for the outing?
    lol! Don't yell at me. I remember you telling me but I wasn't sure if you quit or wanted to quit but still hasn't. Sheesh. :P
    Does your boss usually go with you guys on informal meetings?
    lol, I tend to do that. I am sorry, I am working on it! :P
    It's okay, don't worry about it. There'll be plenty of time to catch up. =)
    LMAO!! Wow.

    There certainly is room for growth I think, and I certainly still lack the necessary experience to test out most of my cognitive functions. One thing I strongly relate to in the ENTJ description is that they seek out opportunities to learn new skills. My councilor said that an ENTJ's greatest quest is Competence. They get anxious and nervous when in position where they don't have the necessary knowledge to perform well or solve the problem. From that I can already draw a conclusion on how is it that I have developed my Fe (or rather Te+Fi )

    The video idea isn't so bad. Perhaps I should keep a Video blog for about a month or two and then look back and observe.

    Deal! When in doubt or confusion I will seek out your opinion. =)
    and count the ways? lol
    You know, I am reading this and I can't say I relate to most of the traits mentioned...:S
    I'll have to do much more self-examination from now on.

    Edit: It's personality cafe. Why isn't the website domain showing?
    oh btw, thanks for the article you sent. I might feature it in next week's newsletter. =)
    You too! :hug:
    I replied to you this morning, but for some reason the email wasn't sent. I sent it again, I am pretty sure it's in your inbox now.
    I may look into those books.
    I am always looking for things
    to read.

    Writing form the ground up is sold,
    stable. Not twilight.
    I would eventually like to right things lengthier than short stories.
    But when I get one good idea I then get several and I can't just
    devote myself to wholly expound on one idea or realm, have you.

    Tepid. Tepid.
    We must not go in past our toes.

    I don't write traditionally using outlines.
    But man oh man am I large into themes.
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