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  • :kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss:
    Feel better? :smile:

    I am making lunch now. I am making eggs. I wanted sunny side up, but it got stuck to the pan so it ended up being scrambled eggs instead. lol

    Don't worry about it, I looked up some books in the library on my way to school. There are some useful things that I can link to the information I am given in my text books and the links you just provided. So I should be fine. =)
    I did.

    But everything makes me cry so I'm not sure it really matters what was said.
    I know it wasn't meant in malice, though.
    Ooooh, so many links. <3
    I will check them out now.

    Did you end up eating lunch at least?
    Oh no.

    ugh. veriously.

    You're refusing to answer because you have no spine
    and do not want to tell me we cannot be friends because
    your girlfriend doesn't like me to my face.
    Damn man, you just gave me 'warm fuzzies'. I really appreciate your kind kind words. Sorry I've been so hit-and-miss lately. I still haven't forgotten about your philosophical ideas you posted on my wall, and I really want to address them soon. Hopefully the semester slows down soon because I'd love to catch up.
    How many times would I have to call you in a row before you thought it was creepy?
    It mainly refers to how the turbine is assembled after being manufactured. I have to talk about how the parts are put together and using what technology.

    It sounds very vague and hard to research, and it really is. In any case, I have my presentation later tonight. I have ample time to prepare. For now, I am off to my fluid mechanics class.

    I'll ttyl. =)
    My knowledge of the subject. I worry that I don't know enough or haven't covered/presented enough material. I am supposed to present Assembly Technologies of Gas Turbine Engines in Avionics. You can't really find lots of information on this stuff because most of it is kept as secrets of the trade by huge aerospace companies. so i end up gathering whatever little pieces are left out there and synthesizing it into one presentation.

    I hate that aspect about engineering.
    Nope, just bringing what can fill an oversized suitcase. I might ship some stuff but its rather expensive for no good reason. Its cheaper to pay over-weight charges on luggage than ship it on its own.
    :smile: good good, full of energy. I feel wide awake lol.
    Looking up some YouTube Videos on Gas turbine engines. That's what my presentations about. I am feeling a lil nervous.
    I need some semblance of organization.
    Even if it's not that organized.
    Was tossing lots of stuff before coming down yeah, but I use to live with my parents, and this is only a 6 week thing till februry so I have another chance to bring another load. Most of my stuff will be tossed though, since leaving stuff behind will lead to getting nagged.
    Also: it takes no time at all to travel between population centers (towns, villages, cities). Where it'd be a 90 minute drive for me to go from Calgary to a nothing village, and then 3 hours to get to the next biggest town, it takes maybe 30 minutes to get to 2 big towns/small cities, and the whole way is dotted with hamlets and villages.
    Heh, there was a week where every other word I heard was a damn colloquialism XD, like 'pants' means underpants but not the long pants you wear over underpants but it's also used to say that something is shit. Multiply that happening times a few dozen and that was my first week. Also they use chip and pin cards universally, no swiping of cards over here. Makes me VERY happy my bank just converted to chip and pin this summer. Else I'd have been stuck for cash really badly, having to drop cash into Chaz's paypal all the time.
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