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  • Yeah, I wanted to tell you, but I didn't get the chance to. I'll talk to you about it tonight or I will send you an email if I am not on while you're awake. No worries tho, it's better this morning. =)
    Some days it goes better than others.
    I still can't seem to get to that level
    again. I am trying though. I think today
    I may do so since I'm already so calm.

    I want to do twenty minutes. Do you
    think that's enough?
    I'm going to show you my haircut sometime.
    Sometime sometime. I'll take a real picture.
    Just for my forum friends. Ooh la la. I
    actually feel very vain because I like it.

    I haven't meditated today. I think I might
    do so before I go to bed tonight. I'm
    feeling very calm in general today.
    Just as long as you two don't move on to eating me.
    Actually... that might not be a bad idea... Just make
    sure I'm under anesthesia first. I'd like to know my
    body was going to sustain the life of meh baby squidsy.

    ...and my brains to you.
    I don't know if it's just because I'm hungry
    but I think you should turn geek night
    into Greek night. Think of all that spicy
    meat. Yummmm. Jeez Nai. Making me all
    hungry and stuff.

    I'm going to go back to bed
    in three hours. I live the life.
    It's funny that you ask that.

    I almost mentioned my intake of
    water to you in my last visitor message.
    I woke up once when I was sleeping
    and drank an entire 16 oz glass of
    water before falling back asleep and
    then I drank another 16 oz when I woke
    up and now I'm just sipping on another
    glass of water but for some reason my
    mouth still feels incredibly dry.

    Why do you ask?

    Anything special going on lateR?
    I slept about 54654151546681 hours.
    This really just means I took a nap.
    But I don't feel so hot today, so that's

    What is exciting for you today?
    One of my best friend's (Lauren) told
    me that my other best friend (Adrienne)
    is going to be mad because it's how she
    wanted her hair to look.
    It's alright. It frames my face well and it's
    still long. It's just to have layers. To run
    my fingers through my hair is a different
    experience now.
    I'm just glad it looks good with my curly
    hair. Because I will never straighten my
    hair ever.

    I feel like a narcissist. Talking
    about myself so much.
    Sounds like a lot of work. I hope you're having a great night and that you get some rest afterwards. =)
    My hair is such a tangled mess.
    I almost wish you could see it.

    How many more would you like to get ideally?

    I can feel myself sweating.

    I think you need more sleep than you get.
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