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  • Mmm, yes.
    I've had a good day.
    Though I'm tired.

    I'm glad you were productive!
    lol, no worries. I chose to get distracted. :P

    butI have to get ready for school now, so I'll ttyl.
    I hope things work out for you then. =)

    No, I don't feel ready at all. I didn't study for my I am gonna have to cram that in the half hour break I have. Let's see if I can learn 2 chapters of Numerical methods in 1/2 hour. lol
    That's terrible! Does that mean you have to move out by the end of the month? I hope not, it's a hassle and a waste of money considering the changes you'll be making soon enough. You think you can work things out with him and stay till January?

    I think he just got defensive, because of how you asked him, so he tried to turn the tables around on you. He might take back his words later..?

    Don't let him ruin your day. Here :hug:
    Thank you. =)

    I am good, but cold. It's a bit chilly here this morning. How are you?
    Any idea how you fixed TC before when I kept getting sent to a room by myself?
    Picturing you angry scares me.

    Do you have any idea where you're going to go?
    I'm at work, if you want to vent I'm all ears. It might take me a bit to respond, but I'll be here for quite some time.
    Not because you did a bad job explaining that, you did a great job.
    But because now I want to see a picture.
    I'm actually surprised you explained that so well.

    Can you tell me why seven layers?
    I finish at 3 tomorrow, then will probably go to the gym for 2 more hours.

    That's great. I'll be online sometime tonight, then. If not write me an email. But I'll most probably log in for a few minutes.
    Why? Do the scripting now, and get it over with. This way you gain one more hour of free time for tomorrow. :P
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