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  • Why? Do the scripting now, and get it over with. This way you gain one more hour of free time for tomorrow. :P
    You should probably start at the very basics...

    I know what binary is, yes.
    lol, gee, just when that *someone* has just gotten out of the shower.
    Thanks, but no thanks. :P
    Society, silly.

    I would like for you to explain it if it's necessary for the IPv6.
    You can explain it to me (:
    But I can't promise I'll understand.

    I don't, but I should. I don't because I've been
    brainwashed to believe that everything is best
    in moderation.
    I always indulge.

    purple lemon is a close second for me (:

    I like the way you laugh.
    I prefer purple-lemon.

    No, I had to quit, doctor's order. Have you been indulging?
    That's all stuff I cannot wrap my head around.

    What's a server rack? Should I know this already..?
    I just woke up about fifteen minutes ago.
    My hair is messy.
    I am okay. I keep biting at my lips.
    I'm also just looking at photos.

    What are you up to?
    Tell me about mission?
    I came back home early. Going to shower, eat and then study some more. You?
    Hehehehehehe yeah :P
    It is pretty impressive, I know.

    I am glad you are good!

    Be safe on your journey!
    I shall tend to the needs of squidsy.
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