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  • I visit these daily:

    Obviously this forum because again, I have no real life.
    I like to make lists. I like to have control
    and order in my life and this is how I do this.
    I used to check this daily and I will start to again
    once the next mission begins. I just haven't kept
    up with Cassini since the last mission has ended
    and there's still like a month until the next.

    I also visit webmd daily but this is because
    I have subscribed to some of their articles
    and they send me articles... daily.

    I also check my email every day.

    I also check my real blog, peruse the new
    york times, google things, jstor things, I
    browse extensively.

    I think I might add sciencedaily to my every
    day routine.
    "Liberty not only means that the individual has both the opportunity and the burden of choice; it also means that he must bear the consequences of his actions.... Liberty and responsibility are inseparable."
    He taught me how to kill gophers
    and groundhogs hahahahahahaha
    and he let me raise a baby goose.
    He made me eat onions in my corn.
    But he let me pick out the documentaries
    we would watch. Because my parents
    were not together my grandpa would
    always have us when we were sick.
    I spent a lot of time with him. I wasn't
    his favourite, but he loved me.

    Are you familiar with Frederich Hayek?
    I'm drinking chai.
    It tastes how my grandfather's house smelled.
    I'm remembering spending time there.

    How are you?
    Damnit, now I want to raid your bookshelf. I don't know why, but that thought crossed my mind. Maybe it's because this week has been crazy long already and I'm slightly going crazy.

    What does this week hold for you? And I was excited to hear about your ACT prep. Any idea when you might try and take it?
    So I was walking out of the main library on campus today smoking (which I hope to god I find a way to quit in the near future...and stop talking about it like I'll quit in the near future) when who turns out to be a Buddhist/Hindu monk walks up to me. We talk about meditation and chanting for a while, and he ended up giving me a copy of the Bhagavad Gita in a way that is interrupted by his sect.

    While I was talking with him I thought how about how interested you might have been had you been there. We talked about universal consciousness, but mainly he talked about mediation and finding inner peace (which he said could then lead to universal peace...definitely religious but interesting none-the-less to discuss with him) I just thought it was an experience you could appreciate.
    Haha. good.
    I am writing. (and posting messages on my own wall :rolleyes: lol)
    What are you doing?
    It was fantastic. I had taken a sudden hiatus from it during the summer - my workouts had come to an almost complete halt, so it felt wonderful to be back. =)

    How's the studying going so far?
    Oh, okay. That's interesting. I'm surprised I haven't heard of it before.. What is the preparation process like? Is there a lot to cover?
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