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  • I am well learned in english, french, and latin.
    I have a rudimentary understanding of hebrew
    and I can understand italian but I cannot really speak it.
    I also know a small bit of spanish but nothing that would
    help me survive in a spanish speaking country.
    A boy attracted me to Dutch, lame. I know.

    When I started taking latin lessons is when
    my knowledge of the english grammar went
    up. Knowing english parts of speech does
    definitely make it easier to learn another
    language in my experience. Since then, I
    have come to learn to love grammar. I
    never thought breaking up a sentence
    based upon structure could ever bring me
    such joy. I feel so nerdy saying that. Hahahah

    Why the interest in Arabic?

    I respect you too, you know.
    I have been an emotional wreck.

    I wonder about our oxytocin levels as well.
    Honestly, since we've started speaking of
    squidsy I do feel as though our conversations
    have become more personal.

    What parts of grammar were you focusing on.
    I'm learning dutch grammar!
    I am to be the next Madonna.
    Do you think I should colour my hair?
    Mary's is so dull in all of her likenesses....
    How am I supposed to cuddle
    my squidsy when he's covered
    in armour!?! ):
    Oh yeah.
    The body :x

    Well, I'll have to tell him [Drew] he can keep his
    little naddlings.

    I thought he [squidsy] could use the extra testosterone
    since he's not exactly where we are on the
    food chain. I've been trying to think of the
    best way to tell him of the threats in the outside
    world, but I just cannot bring myself to break
    his poor squid heart. He's my baby.
    I was actually thinking about today (:
    I just wanted to read more, first, lol.
    I like to be sure before I commit myself.

    I think we might be getting Drew's gonads for Fdos, I
    just wanted to keep you updated (:
    I am telling you, volunteering does wonders
    for one's well-rounded-ness. My entire life
    has been in preparation for getting into a
    good schooling program. I can guide you.
    Dancing is fun!
    I really just like any physical activity.
    I'm one of those people that kept all
    the energy they had as a child. I
    wake up enthusiastically. Even at
    three in the morning. Tis not pretty.

    I have a lot of interests. I'm well rounded for medical school, you know.
    I read the About Me profile. I think I like this person already.
    *anticipates an introduction thread* :D
    I like the way they taste, yes.

    I like that bleach is so clean.

    I like to stretch and do ballet and climb trees.
    I used to have a hard time working with people, but I noticed that with every successful communication with someone, and in general facing with whatever fear I had involved with it, it all became much more easier bear. I'm not sure if it was some sort of social anxiety or something else, but people and what I thought their opinion of me was, as well my own too harsh expectations used to beat me up so hard that I was paralysed most of the time.

    I noticed something about you. You seem to look happier, more content and somehow open in recent pictures that you've posted here. I think that whatever you are doing, being that meditation or several other things, you look as if it works good for you.
    Mostly I am, but I feel that time has come for a thorough check up, and some minor issues are in order to get resolved. I'm in a similar mood as I think you are at the moment, I want more, feel that I can achieve more and that I can and am able to get what I want and think I deserve at this moment in time. I think that for some people this feelings need to boil for quite some time, until they reach a point where they feel confident enough to change everything that needs to be changed. I think I am at that point now. And I know, because I've felt this before, that when I get restless like this, I get virtually unstoppable. I think you might be very similar to that description too.
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