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  • Ahh, I see. That makes sense. Is it in addition to or in place of the SATs?
    And thanks! I certainly will.
    I'm heading out to the gym, which will be good. =)

    What is ACT? I recall you mentioned it in your blog.
    Thanks. Everyone around me has either been depressed, angry, or sick. And I feel for them, but it's really hard to be in this kind of environment. Plus, I feel tired and I've been trying to arrange something that keeps getting dragged out, and I think it's just one of those days. The weather outside is gloomy, too. Meh. I'm going to go out soon and hopefully the rest of the day will be better.

    What have you been up to lately?
    School is alright. Boyfriend is being endearing as (almost) always. Nothing much on my end.

    However, I do want to write poems but every time I finish one, I feel I have done a crappy work.
    SPEAKING OF NARNIA! I got to see the 3D preview of the next installment of the film. AMAZING.

    It's animated 3D. It's about little owl warriors haha. You'll have to look at the trailer and see what I'm talking about.
    Well yesterday I went to dinner and a movie with notpenelopecruz. We saw Legend of the Guardians in 3D. I liked it so much I think I will go again today. Alone even! It was just so enjoyable. I basically cried through the entire movie. I think that's the extreme INFJ in me lol. Not only that I've never seen 3D before so some of the images they presented were SO beautiful, I just cried haha. Needless to say I was in a good mood for the rest of the night and it extended into today. Other than that, I just have to do a few errands and that's basically all I have planned.
    My father does not really practice anything, anymore.
    Not since he's gotten so ill.

    I don't like that I didn't want to learn it. That I was forced.
    That my opinion on the matter was irrelevant even though
    it was me. It's personal.

    Yes. That was true.
    O.o forum never told me you said this to me.

    That's an interesting opinion, the belief that an entire
    people are bad without personally knowing them. I
    have my friends like that too.

    I am really child-like in ways as well.
    It's why I'm my three year old nephews
    favourite person. I'm big and I'm old but
    I'm the only one who will play with him
    for hours on end.

    Hebrew is dreadful. Dreadful.
    It's really not that bad, but growing up
    my dad was so insistent about it and not
    learning it perfectly was one of the few
    ways in which I rebelled against his wishes
    for me.
    And thank you very much (:

    I may take you up on that
    offer sometime. Mine are
    at your convenience as
    well. Though you seem
    to be pretty stoic in some
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