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  • Braiding my hair is repetitious (:

    My housemates I think were deaf.
    Everything was always so loud when they were home.
    I'm reading articles on how to improve one's immune system and thinking about braiding my hair.

    What are your reading options? - endless?
    Once again I get the message that I must spread rep around before giving it again to you, and since I'm a very lazy cat, I'm going to rep you here. :D

    That was a good replay on Siamese cat's manual, /me liked it very much! :D
    Thanks John (:

    It's early.

    I would love it if you splashed water on my bell.
    And don't worry I won't get you with my tents.

    (I just looked up proper jellyfish anatomy so I could
    reply using proper terminology. This is the kind of
    person I am. Do you think I'm detail-oriented.. hm...)

    Also; I don't know if you're responsible for the new
    rep message but I really like it (:
    Thanks. I graduated from nursing and women's studies a few years ago. I haven't made a firm decision yet about which programs I will apply for but I'm thinking it will be in the area of global health.

    Enjoy your night! :)
    Oright...even tho I want to scream "NO!" and push you away lol

    *predicts awkward silence*
    Romantic? *runs!*

    lol, I am bad at anything that is romantic. I am shy and awkward and a total fail in that area heh. Let's hip hop instead. :P
    I didn't know you were taking anti-anxiety medication.
    Do these help you become less emotional?
    And were you able to get them via a doctors prescription?
    stop being so sensitive! I had to catch my bus for school, tsk.
    I don't want to dance with you anymore... *sits down and pouts*
    Thanks for the link. (:

    Let me know what you think of sage tea if you decide to try it. I don't know of anyone else who drinks it other than a few of my family members so I'm curious to know what you think.

    I might meet up with a friend sometime this weekend, so that should be good. And I think I'm going to get started on applying for school programs for next September. I'm also going to a light potluck tonight.. It's not something I do often so I'm looking forward to it! All in all, it's looking like a busy couple of days - well, my version of busy I guess, lol. How's your weekend looking?
    NAI, I am so sorry. I didn't realize you were feeling shut out. How about we make it up by grilling 40oz steaks, brats, and hot dogs. I mean we eat a lot of meat and do other male bounding things. Then we can punch our respective roommates for being dicks.
    DUDE NOT COOL. Did you just liken me to a vampire? I'm hurt. You remember that vampire girl I dated don't you? She hurt me really deep. I mean that physically. Why must you always remind me of past regrets :(
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