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  • Sure, I'd appreciate the link. Thanks!

    That's fantastic about the lessened anxiety and all the other benefits. Being able to feel relaxed or even just comfortable makes such a difference.

    About black tea, primarily it's that I'm not fond of the taste. I also worry about it staining teeth - I don't know that fruit/herbal teas don't, but hopefully they're less likely to if at all. I tried sage tea recently and I'm really liking it. It has an herbal taste that's slightly similar to peppermint.
    I haven't been following a specific technique - at least not intentionally. I usually meditate at night, so I turn off the lights, light a candle, play quiet meditation-esque music, close my eyes and try to focus on my breathing. I still feel like I'm relatively new to it and only beginning to get comfortable with the process where I might make adjustments along the way or become more aware of/attentive to what I'm doing and how I'm doing it.
    I meditated the other night and I had THE best sleep I have had in a long time. I don't know if I can claim cause and effect, but I can't surmise another reason for it that's as compelling. [FONT=&quot][/FONT]

    Mmm tea! I enjoy fruit/herbal teas. Anything that doesn't contain black tea is usually a go. :) How about you? How's it going with eliminating caffeine?
    How long do you think it will be before someone makes a thread on this notice? I give it till midnight :D
    haha, yup, you play the guitar, and I'll dance.

    You can dance too. I heard you've been giving dance lessons to mf. :P
    lol, I don't know about "new" with Jester's baby onthe way, but surely exciting. Now..all I need is a proper job to support this lovely family. lol
    *nods in contemplation* I like it! Though, I'm trying to steer clear of the sweet stuff. How about tea and fruit?

    Your blog is interesting. :) I visited and wanted to comment only I couldn't think of anything engaging to say. :\ What kind of meditation do you do and how did you get into it?
    That's fantastic! I will check your blog out and read more about it.

    To answer your question about noticing differences since not meditating, you know, I don't think I have. My life is, in a way, very relaxed right now... there are plenty of internal stresses but not many external stressors. I wonder if I might have noticed differences had I felt more harried and stressed out. I'd probably seek reprieve and an inner sanctuary that much more in those circumstances, so it's very possible. But as things are right now and have been for a while, I don't think so..

    Meditation buddies sounds cool. What do you have in mind?
    Hmm.. that's a good question. I'm going to have to think about it and I'll let you know. Most of the time I also meditated for about 15-20 mins, once I got into the swing of it. Initially I think I could go for about 8.

    I'm not sure why but for some reason, I thought you were a long-time meditator (sp?). What kinds of improvements have you been noticing?
    Until about two months ago, I meditated several times a week. I was hoping to develop a daily meditation habit; I'm honestly not sure why I stopped - I can't recall now.. But I'd like to get myself back into the flow of it, I miss it. How about you?
    We lost that lubbin feelin'! :( I s'pose I should siddle up to him/her. I think my muse is a him. The longish hair threw me.
    Lol! If only I had the cash to send...(s)he's being remarkably fickle right now. Maybe it's because I haven't decided on his/her gender...
    If you are so proficient then you are certainly able to help me with pushing my prof down the street in a dumpster while eating ice cream? :D

    What did your room mate do to you?
    Teach me your ways, oh mighty green one? One of my roommates could use a good smashing. His dishes have sat out for a week, so I put them in his laundry basket the other night...and his clothes are now on top of them!

    How do you combat idiocy?!
    Hmmm, sounds like my roommates. You should switch places with my roommates, then we can have four bedrooms and four bathrooms to ourselves! Imagine it, a different bed every night, and a new shower every morning. Oh the possibilities...
    Ish jusssssh cansht do itsh *spits up blood from getting his ass kicked by life*
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