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  • Yeah man. I'm pretty settled in, but I'm worn the hell out. Working 30hrs a week and going to school full time on top of tutoring two different students is wearing me out.
    Thank you, I extremely need it at the moment because quite frankly I'm furious and entertaining the thought of setting my prof on fire, putting him in the dumpster and pushing it down the steepest street I can find. Well putting him in the dumpster first and then setting him on fire, I don't really wish to get burns in the process. Argh.
    Yea, those 'Young teenage virgins willing to sex you in your neighbourhood' are quite a distraction.

    My internet knows what I want.
    Damnit NAI, that does sound interesting.
    The site I buy my books at sells it.
    Hmm, would I need to know a lot about basic chemistry and biology if I wanted to read it?
    Well, it's a good start for me :P
    Because my knowledge about this isn't really good.
    I downloaded the PFD first to check if it was any good though.
    Would you want me to send it to you?
    Physiology and anatomy for dummies.
    There's a chapter in it about brains.
    (Don't laugh pls. I like the 'for dummies'-series :P)
    I'm fine, I've been pondering too much on certain issues lately though!
    Instead of thinking, I should act more :P

    How have you been?
    Also, since you've shown me that book you were reading on the brain, I'm buying a book on human physiology to get a better view on our body.
    (Before I delve into yours. :P)
    I say buying because the money still needs to be transferred to my paypal account.
    Shit, I was just too late to respond in the tinychat.
    Now it just says reputation added. (and I couldn't rep you because apparently I rep you too much or something. Pffff)
    It doesn't matter. I really do not care what it says, Bird just said there was a typo in it somewhere.
    Hey man, I hate to be a bother, but do you think you could look into fixing the type in the new rep message? I'll get test to bake you cookies!
    Hummm that is strange. I am on ebuddy web messenger. I will log out and log back in. When I accepted your request it said the request was denied because the contact already exists lol.
    Yes! It's like an anxious desperation. Like I should be DOING something, damnit! But I'm not. I don't know how to alleviate this feeling. It's stealing my soul lol.
    I haven't really been posting much lately :( I can't seem to focus my mind in any one direction to even write anything.
    haha I think I've been to crazy and back more times than I can even account for. It's a pretty sad existence to be wrapped into one's own mind like that. Sometimes I just feel like there HAS to be some kind of escape, or some sort of loophole that I can jump through and I can get out of this place alive. I don't know how to live in the world while simultaneously wanting to escape it.
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