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  • Lol, whoops.
    Me and my freudian slips :X

    No, I've never found a four leaf or life clover.
    I'm actually honored that I posted something that got you thinking :$
    Thanks. I've been thinking of starting that thread for a while now. I'm a little embarrassed now to be honest. I wish i hadn't bothered
    It's a tv programme where people pitch their business ideas to some multi millionaire business people and try and get an investment from them. It's fantastic
    Well, I'm afraid I've beat you to it. Psychodelic toe jam is now patented and coming to a store near you. Watch out for me on dragons den (that may be lost on you if you're not English)
    How's that working out for you?
    And why did you choose to adopt children?
    (I personally find it great if someone does, after all, those kids need a loving home too.)
    Ok i admit that may have been a mistake but as i don't remember it due to the immediate unconsciousness that followed, i have to say it was worth it
    I think I've read somewhere you have adopted them.
    Am I wrong?
    I've just read your blog. Why don't you post in it anymore? :O
    In pain, neck/shoulder I think from sleeping with an old pillow. Bought a new pillow, hoping that'll help. Life still a rollin on. How bout yerself?
    Good Morning Norwich!
    I had just logged in to tell you the results. Which are thankfully -NORMAL. Yay! I have a normal brain/ear scan. LOL When I told my sister this news - she laughed and then said "Are they SUUURRRE????. Hahahaha. Ok - everyone knows I'm weird - right? Personally I think it's because I'm an INFJ.
    Anyway - that was a big relief to know there was not a tumor or anything of that nature in my head.
    It eliminated a cause for these symptoms I'm having.
    So this morning I googled the side effects of this hormone pill I began taking about the middle of July and low and behold it covers ALL of the symptoms. I figure it's either the pill - or - I'm about to experience a TIA (which is known as a mini-stroke if you're not familiar).
    As of this morning - I'm not taking the pill any more. Hopefully, gradually, this dizziness, weakness, unsteadiness - will abate.
    I still have a doctors appointment with my ENT next week to discuss the MRI. I've called my obgyn to talk about the hormone pill.
    We'll see.
    How are things going on with you? Feeling the affects of freedom yet - or are you still in shock due to the stillness?
    Thank you for asking about me.
    I could be at work - but I'm legitimately entitled to time off every now and then.

    Being in charge of my entire area makes it both easy and very difficult to take time off.
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