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  • Aww thanks, I am sorry I haven't responded sooner but I haven't been on in awhile : ) I'm good how have you been?
    Oh, I only work during the summer break.
    If I work more than 23 days during those months, my parents don't receive child support anymore. (Every parent receives child support in Belgium)

    And I'm afraid I don't know my MBTI type.
    Yes, I learned Dutch as a child.
    I started learning English when I was 8 years old, mainly due to the simpsons :P I only started really learning it at the age of 13 though.
    They start learning us French at the age of 10, but mine isn't really good.

    What kind of therapies did they need, if you can publicly discuss this?
    I'm not working yet, I'm still studying (Criminology).
    Yes I have.
    I do wish to travel though.
    I don't think you should be ashamed of only knowing English, why should you know any other language?
    You should only learn them if you're interested in it, since almost anyone knows English and you'll be able to communicate with people wherever you go to.
    Do you ever regret having quit your job?
    Three. Dutch, French and English.
    My French isn't really good though :(

    How many do you speak?
    I'm afraid I have deleted this ;D
    Some people claim I look like a younger version of him:

    Yes I have posted a picture of myself before.
    We live in Belgium.
    And no, he would never pose in such a funny hat I'm afraid. He's the king of the household.
    Have you ever posted a picture of you and your family?
    Snorkels. (That's what I call him)

    Oh, so in whose bedroom have I found it then?
    I'm doing fine milady.
    Yes, I also visited your bedroom. My my, do you know your husband hides porn mags in his drawers? :O

    I have a cat exactly like the one in my avatar though.
    What's your cats name?
    Hi Norwich! I'm going back and forth between the kitchen and the computer this morning. I was just in there cutting up celery to stuff with various flavors of cream cheese. As I began to cut away the bottom of the bunch I began to grin in thinking about you and your squash experience. Sorry - I just couldn't find myself wanting to apologize to the celery.... Hahahahahaha.

    Yes - the doctor and I had a good conversation. He is going to order a Carotid Artery ultrasound (I think that's what he called it) so we can rule out the potential of a stroke happening. He did tell me that my brain MRI scan was remarkable in how Normal it looked. He stressed that I had No signs of having had any mini strokes - No signs of plaque build up or neural aberrations, No ear nerve damage, nor any Mastoid damage. For my age I think he was frankly surprised to see how 'good' (and that's subjective mind you) my MRI turned out to be.
    So that was an extreme relief for me - to say the least.
    Let me get back to it. Today we are celebrating my Dad's bthday with a big gathering at their new house down next to my sister's - for the first time in years! And I'm amazed at how I'm not dreading seeing him in his current condition. This is a good thing.
    Are you beginning to revel in your alone time? I hope you are Norwich.
    Yes, he is fine now. We just need to watch him when he gets sick and keep him on an inhaler. Thanks for asking! :)
    Haha, yes it can make it quite difficult.
    And it is noon for me (:

    I hope your morning is well.

    You're welcome (:
    My cat is lying in my lap.
    I just removed him from
    it several times. He is

    I'm slowly building nests inside of
    everyone's brains, using the roots
    of their hairs.

    I just woke up. It's really
    early. How are you?
    It's hard to say actually. Some hours I feel much more grounded and stable - then at other times I feel all loopy again. Today is a hard one. I feel as if I could lay down and sleep for a long long time. [shrug] I do feel hopeful tho. I have an appt with the ENT doctor tomorrow afternoon. While he may not know much about hormone meds - he can at least steer me in the right direction maybe? I'll see.

    Wow Norwich. Your post in your blog was outstanding! Intimidating as hell too. An exceptional quality to your writing style. And I loved reading your way of working through your understanding of self and the religious rituals swirling around you. It's going to take me a bit to work my way through it to make a comment or ask a question. Cool how other's comments impacted you and your process.
    Evidently you've landed back on your proverbial feet for you to write such a complete, comprehensive, and thoughtful post.
    Glad to see you back in the game!!!!
    Greetings as well. I am originally from Washington State but have pissed off some god somewhere and ended up in landlocked Kansas for now.
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