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  • Well, I do all kinds of things. Right now we are involved with a lot of distance collaboration/training, both from a technical side and a communications design side. I also do a good bit of graphic design for posters, exhibits, special events, and our more official reports. I do some writing, too. We produce videos when needed, spec out a job, hire the right producers, and then work with them. In all these processes I enjoy working with our scientists and engineers, but also working with local communuties, states and tribes. There is a certain knack to doing this well as a federal partner. We look at what needs to be accomplished (for us or others), what is required to do it, what people or resources are in place to help, and then we fill in whatever gaps are there so we can move forward. Anyway, since there aren't many people at EPA with a communications specialty, I get involved with other programs, too...Superfund, environmental justice, and others. I spent 20 years as a documentary producer/director, and have been with EPA for 15 years doing similar stuff except using more of my accumulated skills...and this without weekly broadcast deadlines and 11 cases of gear! It's a good gig for an older guy, and I find it interesting being directly involved in a complex issue as opposed to being an observer. I also enjoy jumping into the fray to accomplish something for the public good.
    No, I do not. I work for the U.S. EPA in water programs. My specialization is in communcations so I get into all kinda of interesting stuff!

    Did I get this response inthe right pace? I sure hope so!!
    I'm not sure. The application deadline is Jan 10, so I'm optimistically hoping I'll know by March or so? I don't really know how long it is before they notify you. I've got a lot of life/work changes to make if I'm accepted (and further career decisions if I'm not), so I hope it will be by about then.
    Hope you have a wonderful day!
    Nope, I didn't cave but it was a rather troubling New Years Eve. One of our kitties snuck out and then disappeared. I think he got frightened by the neighbors fireworks. We were very concerned because we have a lot of coyotes around here. But thankfully he returned about ten in the morning. I haven't gotten so little sleep on New Years since I was your age.
    Did you cave in?
    Haha, thanks. Maybe the wonderful young lady will show up in my dreams tonight. Just made it home. Think I'm going to see very well!!
    Somehow I've made it to 11:40 at the party. I'm just going to tough it out until midnight and then get the heck out of dodge.

    Happy New Year!
    You should be able to access my wall now.
    Remind me, where are you posting from? The US?
    No, Mom is not having any more chest pains. She's still in the hospital - but all of the heart attack tests are coming back negative. The doctor will be coming by today - so maybe we'll know more then. She's thinking the chest pain is related to her esophagus - maybe a hernia - maybe spasms. They can't do tests because it's the holidays and a lot of people are off. She's complaining as usual - so she's fine. Hahahaha
    Ah yes, well I do have periods where that happens. It's more frequent for my dad though.
    I'm not sure I know what you are talking about specifically. I'd say I am able to maintain a constant state for longer than the vast majority of people, but I am not forever always in that state.
    Nah I've been off since Thursday and not back until 3rd Jan. Yay!

    My work is excellent for holidays. We get six weeks a year off plus everything like xmas and bank holidays like today.
    The chocolates are long gone. I've got a cold at the moment so leaving the vodka for now.

    Have you had a good xmas?
    Oh don't worry - you were right. Yes - they still celebrate Christmas as always. I'm the odd one out (as usual). As a matter of fact - Mom called me an hour ago and said Dad is to come home today! You have excellent psychic abilities Norwich! Thank you for asking.
    Dad is doing pretty good. My sister told me this evening that his coumidin (sp?) levels are where they should be. But no doctor showed up today. So she's hoping a doctor will show tomorrow and they will release him to go home. Yay! I hope so. Thank you for asking.
    yes, my absence was due to spending my time elsewhere! :) I hope the same this holiday for you my friend.
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