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  • Thank you for you words. I am still very crushed after finding out a month after the fact. I wish I would have done talked to him just a bit more.
    Good Morning to my friends here on the forum.

    I have been snowed in for 3 days and running on generator, so I have not been able to make regular contact.

    The sun is out, and it's a new day.

    I hope the electric company can make it to me today to get my power back on so I can do some dishes, and some house cleaning.

    I hope all of you are staying warm and cozy and dry.

    From snow country, I wish you all a wonderful week !

    Headache :)
    Thank you.

    I looked at your info. As far as I can tell, you and I appear to be in the 'Elder' age bracket.

    It appears, from what little exploring I have done, that most of the members are college students.

    At least I don't feel 100% alone in my age bracket.
    if you wouldn't mind my friend, check out the poem I just posted. I'd like people to see and read this one. thanks!
    Hahahahaha.... does that mean you'll need to take a pee break? I've got coffee too!
    Well we only worked 9 hours. After the hours I've been working lately that seems okay. I am due to get a big bonus here at the end of this month. It's been years so having a little money to play with will be welcome. I am going to buy a new guitar and try to get back to doing a little playing. I am glad you are around again!
    There's actually two reasons. One is the one you are thinking of. The other is that the last two times I posted something really MBTI related, I got blasted. Apparently I am an idiot when it comes to this stuff so I'm hesitent to post my opinions on MBTI related things now. At least I decided to post again. And you are fine my friend. No worries... :hug:
    :hug: thank you, it's starting to go down some :smile:. I'll be fine once I can go to bed when my homework's done, and I have mentally figured out what I need to do for it so it's just a matter of getting it on paper.
    Hey Norwich! You too! I just walked over the 40 acres to my ex's house and raided his chocolate chips...heh eheh... I NEEDED some chocolate. LOL Hope you get some.
    It often provides soothing to me to release my insecurities through expression. It deflates their power to see them outside myself. Usually anyway. Sometimes giving them voice just escalates something minor into something bigger though. At any rate, I'm glad that somehow, some way my exercise provided benefit to you as well. If you ever feel like sharing more about the experience, I'd be interested in hearing.
    Forgive me, for I have sinned...
    I'll reply soon, I need to think about those two questions first ;P
    I hear ya on the office politics!!! I am lucky in that, as a specialist, I can pretty much chart my own course. They think I work magic!!

    Distance collaboration is hot now as travel budgets for us, but even moreso for others, have been slashed. We are a Regional office, so we have 5 States and 65 Tribes to serve. It mostly involves webinar and video streaming technologies but as you can guess, there is a whole art in designing these sessions as well as all the peripheral work that surrounds them pre- and post-. The nice thing is figuring out how to spend less and actually do a better job of reaching people, especially in more remote areas. Smaller communities never had big travel budgets anyway, so if we can serve them better it'll be a big plus. It's all in the implementation. Plus we don't want to bore people to death, so matching up content and audience us correctly is critical.

    So what do you and your hubby do? I know you had mentioned something on this before. You work in HR??
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