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  • Reiki is touch and go with me….I am mostly always unshielded…I do occasionally ground myself, but I am more comfortable not being fully grounded, and Reiki will fully ground me which can be uncomfortable for me.
    I believe that is how I am supposed to be.
    I’m fucked up on medications all day and night…haha.
    So…not too bad…not nearly as bad as the last time I had to detox…last time I would have rather broken both kneecaps than go cold turkey off Methdone, Fentanyl, and Oxymorphone (all prescribed to me btw)…I just felt so sick and it actually (this is a real thing) the pain meds began to CREATE the pain…so I hurt more….and needed more medicine…so a year and half ago I just stopped.
    God it hurt so bad…worst experience ever….this is cake compared to that.
    Two weeks no pain meds…just benzos, anti-psychotics, and neurontin ….with some weed thrown in for good measure.
    I still hurt though…still can’t sleep well…but I am a fighter….I will win.
    How’re you? Sorry it took so long for the response…I’m missing time.
    i used firefox and got the same clickthrough before it went to the news site. I was wondering if the site itself put it there. cuz it's not the forum.
    seems to be embedded somehow. I went to the main newsite and it still had a vig redirect real quick.
    There's only 5 survivors that have been in all 5 seasons: Rick, Carl, Daryl, Glenn, and Carol.

    There's one character that has survived all 5 seasons, although not included in all 5 seasons, as a recurring character: Morgan Jones.

    He's apparently soon to become upgraded to regular cast member. Considering the terrible job security who knows how long that will last?
    Well....I didn't want to spoil it for you......but Daryl dies at the beginning of season 5.......

    Spoiler warning.....errr I mean just kidding. :p
    Just remember to be careful and always keep in mind that just because an entity is on another plane of existence doesn’t mean that they are benevolent beings.
    The Mayan mushroom cults that used to sacrifice people…women, children…were done under instructions from the beings the priests would converse with while tripping.
    There are many who believe that there is a war going on behind the scenes for influence over what you do in your life.
    Like I said before…I wouldn’t believe anyone claiming to be a demigod…most likely is a spirit trying to gain influence.
    Be careful.
    Honestly, if you are really doing things to make contact with such entities you are inviting trouble IMHO.
    Be careful.
    Crazy song!
    Very interesting.
    I would be wary of any entity (living or dead) calling itself a demigod. I used to work with heart-surgeons all day…many of whom would probably claim the title “Oh, yeah…I’m a Demigod as well.” - assholes.
    Anyhow…let me know if there is something specific that you would like me to dig up info on for the thread.
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