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  • Excellent! The more the merrier; if some others join us then we can start a forum tournament!
    I got a little bit of practice in the other day. I think I can give you a run for your money. ;)
    A rock, huh? What kind of rock? It sounds like a pretty nice rock if you get to do voice work and play games. ;)

    I'll play Oath and Origins soon since you've recommended them.
    I haven't began the game yet; it's part of my ever growing backlog of games I intend to play someday. As I understand it though, it does deal with the theme of memories and memory manipulation via artificial memories. I can't help but wonder if it throws in a Total Recall reference in there somewhere.

    What makes you think I have played any of the games in the Ys series, huh? =P
    Haha, I've finished 1 & 2. I have, but haven't began, Origins and Oath. ;)

    Sounds like something out of the Cloud Atlas movie, ya know? Have you seen it before?
    You might give a man ideas talking about keeping him up all night. You're welcome to talk my ear off anytime you like though. ;)

    I've always wanted to make something in RPGMaker, but I have yet to really give it much thought. I bought To The Moon during the Steam sale that I've heard was a really good indie made with RPGMaker. Did you develop a storyline, characters, a style, or a tone for your game?
    That'd be very cool. You already have a credit to your name as well.

    How'd you get your first job offer? Did you know the developers previously or did you meet somehow?
    Sounds like it was pretty fun work. Are you planning on voice working professionally or did you have other plans for the future?
    Was there a lot of dialogue? How was her personality? Was it the sugary, zany, hyperactive personality that you might associate with a hummingbird? ;)
    It was a dead-on impersonation. When you are feeling up to it, you must sing a song though!

    Well, who wouldn't want you doing voice work for them? What role was it for? Were you a cute, chibi character, or maybe got to be the foreboding badass character, eh? :m155:
    Hahah! That was very spot on!

    I compared it to some of Tiny Tina's voice clips, so I have to ask...

    Are you Ashly Burch? That's why you haven't shown your face, right?

    Your secret is safe with me, I won't tell! lol :m025:
    You might have more than just a hairy drain, then. What is he going to think, you wonder.
    It reminds me of the person I met using your personality. Guess I wasn't ready for the change yet.
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