Recent content by oddgirlout

  1. oddgirlout

    Where to live

    This is a fascinating question, it really has two avenues. One is a relationship question. Are either of you willing to make adjustments to help the other adjust to what they would be missing with the move? Is the small town near a large city? If so would their be a frequency in which you...
  2. oddgirlout

    Malaysia Airline Crash

    Normally I don't engage in political debates simply because I have yet to find someone to debate with that is truly objective and can try to see another perspective. This is a tragedy, plain and simple. I have to believe that there was no intention of purposefully shooting down a plane that...
  3. oddgirlout

    How about a little survey/questionnaire for everybody?

    1. INFJ: 1w2 2. The absence of color (Black) 3. Learn, love, jog, hike, mountain bike, watch movies in bed, cook, shop, travel, observe 4. I like everything, it depends on my mood what my favorite is. Right now I really like Miike Snow, Sleigh Bells, and AWOLNATION. 5. I love all animals. I...
  4. oddgirlout

    Skarekrow's Musical Advice

    Music to keep me from cutting ties with someone completely...
  5. oddgirlout

    Dominating Men

    In typical INFJ fashion, I am going to go with it depends. I need someone who can flip flop based on my needs, cause it is all about me...heehee. At work I make all the decisions and am always in control. It is nice to have a man in my life that recognizes that and can step in, picking up on...
  6. oddgirlout

    Last film you watched, Part 2

    I just watched 'Into the Abyss'. It is a documentary on a triple murder that examines the impact of the death penalty. It was pretty thought provoking.
  7. oddgirlout

    Welcome! :)

    Welcome! :)
  8. oddgirlout

    MBTI type and religious preference...

    Short Answer: Non-spiritual INFJ but open to being convinced otherwise at this moment in time. Long Answer: See below I started out as Ukrainian Orthodox. After my parents divorced, my religious upbringing was that of whomever my mother was dating. I have tried Christian Science...
  9. oddgirlout

    Communication Style Quiz

    Hrm...not sure about the results: Your primary communication style is: Supporter / Analyzer You are a unique combination of two primary communication styles, both of which cause you to focus on details rather than the big picture. This is both your strength and weakness. Here is a summary...
  10. oddgirlout

    Why dudes hate being called a creep.

    Apone perhaps I should write down what he says to me for a week and post it for your viewing pleasure. :P Today he told me my eyes are like blue diamonds and then promptly asked me where one goes to get knives sharpened.
  11. oddgirlout

    Why dudes hate being called a creep.

    I like the term creeper. I don't like that the article assumes a definite association with sexual intent. I believe a man or a woman can be a creeper and it can or can not be sexually motivated. When I think creeper, typically I think skulking, sneaky, and hidden agenda. I also may be to...
  12. oddgirlout

    Hi DX! :) Miss you tons around here.

    Hi DX! :) Miss you tons around here.
  13. oddgirlout

    What's your "Ism" quiz

    You Are Stoicism You are one tough cookie, and it's part of your life philosophy to minimize pleasure and pain. You feel like too many bad things can come from obsessing over pleasure - and that some of the biggest gains come from tolerating pain. You try to lead a good life and be the...