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  • yeah, getting married actually, that's most recent development in my life. Wedding is in about a month.
    I'll be better when my midterm is over- my right eye is twitching from so much reading! How are you doing?
    yes, I know its a beginning for everything. My problem is I never seem to advance in it. I have good intentions, but when it comes to action, it slips away. But I'm moving toward the goal, I know with strong patience I can change myself.
    I think its a good quality, even a biblical one. I don't have it :( But I'm trying to learn it.
    So we are friends now, huh? Good to have you as a friend, man :D
    I so like your character. You seem to be able to be friend with anybody. Keep it this way :)
    Not hate but I've been doing it for over three years now and I know it's not what I want to do with my life. I'm also not really looking for full time work if I can manage it but the company I'm with doesn't have any part time positions so got to look else where.
    Something will turn up.
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