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  • That's awesome! If part 2 was a piece of marble pound cake then I'm sure part 3 will be something with frosting! Lol :). But I know the feeling of not wanting to get your hopes up. Always expect the worst and hope for the best.
    And then if you get it, you can eat that damn cake!

    Now I'm hungry.
    Yeah. I was trying to come up with a reply for you and I couldn't think let alone read straight because of them and I couldn't very well reply from outside.
    he is actually,i like quiet people cause they balance out my rambling lol. i imagine thats useful if im stuck in a hole with someone for 3 whole days
    Sorry people are doing karaoke and I can't think when people are singing badly.

    I'm afraid I'm going to have to kill them if they don't shut up.
    Sounds like an ISTP to me, lol. But yes, that's what I'm told. There are times when several different approaches need to be attempted. It's a process. Check this, this, and this...try this...if that doesn't work, then do this...if still nothing then...
    you get the point, lol. And that is just fixing a problem. IT people usually know what they are doing while they are doing it. Tests usually aren't their thing. Put whatever you want them to do in front of them and they can show you lol.
    Right, I'm sure no matter how much you know (regarding IT), being tested on it and actually doing it hands on are two different things. Stressful!! Just thinking about it is stressing me out because I remember what finals were like! :m035:
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