Recent content by Razare

  1. Razare

    INFP vs. INFJ: A Functional Analysis

    Sorry for the late response. After reading that, you're an INFJ. Whether you want to see yourself that way or not, is up to you. and a cute little monkey, because I miss them so! :m182:
  2. Razare

    Have you ever...

    Yep, once. I decided she was a nice person but behaved like a guy in personality, which didn't really turn me on at the time. Now it might... just depends. It was a long time ago, though, this happened.
  3. Razare

    INFJ male + XXXX female?

    I look at it from the point of view, "What do I refuse to date?" After that, it leaves handful of types I might be willing to try. I only date with long-term intent, though. If I were open to flings, I guess I wouldn't care that much. INFJ, ENFP, and ISFJ are the main types I am open to...
  4. Razare

    Addicted to You

    Not really, to be honest. I can resist most anyone... I suppose if there were a quality I can't ignore, it would be someone that really needs my help. But I'm old enough now to realize such a situation can have no romance in it. It doesn't end well if it does. I'm a guy so maybe it just...
  5. Razare

    'Talking to God'

    My spirit was lifted to heaven once and I think I met god. He didn't introduce himself as god, but I looked at him and sort of realized after the fact, who else could it be? It was how he looked at me and what he wore which told me who he was. He told me one thing before I was sent back to...
  6. Razare

    NF Communication style

    I think overstatement applies to ENFJ, INFJ, and INFP's... I'll assume it applies to ENFP's as well but I don't know enough of them to say. So it seems to fit. How it's done differs among NFJ's and NFP's, I think. NFP's take certain things too seriously which conflict with their core values...
  7. Razare

    Should I stay or should I go; girlfriend wise.

    Good luck breaking up, I was going to post recommending that since you already realized you needed to.
  8. Razare

    Introvert Power?

    Hi, fellow 5w6!!! :D It's good to see another one out there. Yes, social gatherings are always fun for me too. My favorite ones are where they play music so loud I can't understand anyone... I think I have some type of hearing impairment that only manifests itself when the music is above 80...
  9. Razare

    If God Were Real...

    I wouldn't because it wouldn't be god :P He wont do that because he doesn't need to, plus, part of our existence is learning to accept him without needing proof. Even though I know he's real, there are times I have trouble accepting his path for me. It's difficult to explain.
  10. Razare

    Dominant/Tertiary Loops and Common Personality Disorders

    I don't think that my Ti is shot down by my Ni, no.. they tend to reinforce each other. Ti, logically frames what Ni knows. I gain external input from Se, not Fe. I think at one point in my life the Ni and Ti were in conflict, but now they're in harmony... yet I don't use Fe to do it. In...
  11. Razare

    Dominant/Tertiary Loops and Common Personality Disorders

    Now for the next question... do you care that you're schizoid? Great thing about that personality disorder is that you generally don't :P
  12. Razare

    Would you kill a puppy for $1000000?

    I would kill a puppy for many reasons, but not for money. If no one could take care of it, and a pound wouldn't take it, I might do it in. If it was severely hurt and probably not going to make it, yep.
  13. Razare

    Introvert Power?

    Feeling shame implies I have expectations placed upon me... It also implies I would care what those expectations might be. Introversion is valuing, exercising, and gaining the most satisfaction from utilizing a part of your brain that is introverted. In other words, your dominant brain...
  14. Razare

    Thoughts on IxFJ

    Well, it's hard to say... Se users also possess Ni. Se/Ni memory may be a combination of those two functions at play. The thing is, ESTP's have crisper memories than INFJ's. Their memories tend to be more objective, Si-like... but different since they focus on the experience itself rather...