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  • agreed with all the first part. doing good. had ups and downs as well.
    and why i got off, good sir :)
    You're Taurus and INTJ. Ofcourse, you're going to be hard-headed. :P

    Wow, you seem like you're enjoying your time at college (which is very improtant!) and you have a bunch of really interesting classes. You're teacher is very odd indeed. Oh well, there's something to learn from everyone. I am glad you like your dorm and classmates. Haha, nerds are the best to hang out with, they are very creative at having fun! My favorite bunch for sure. =) Walking is good. I am signing up for the gym tmrw, so I can work out and stay in shape.

    ooh la la, I hope things go well with your crush. No, it not that you give that vibe (well, I wouldn't know lol) but I remember you mentioning that it's possible you meet someone once you enter college, because that's where you meet people. Don't fret about it, once you two start talking and open up to each other, you'll know why you like her. Best of luck with that. ;)

    As for me, today was my first day back to college. It was exciting. I got to meet with friends and catch up. I also met new people in my classes, and met old friends from high-school who are now in engineering. Although, there are plenty of good looking guys attending college this year, I don't think that there are any potential love interests for me. It must be something wrong with me, or maybe because I don't look for it actively, but I don't think I am going to be in a relationship any time soon. Perhaps I don't give off that vibe lol. In any case, school takes priority at the moment, so I am not too worried about it. =)
    I am glad you like it there! I remember when you were wondering what it was like, and I tried to tell you as accurately as possible but failed miserably haha

    I hear you on the spastic posting. I helped with orientation last week, and I barely had time on my hands to post anywhere. Today and yesterday are the only two days where I truly consider as vacation hehe but I feel ready for the new year, hopefully no summer courses this time around.

    How do you like the people in your dorm and classes? and any potential love interests yet? ;)
    Hey you! you disappeared off of the face of the ea-eh, forum! Back to college yet?

    I am doing well. I start school tomorrow. Trying to clean up the mess that is my room, but no luck, it just goes back to its initial state after a few hours lol. How have you been? =)
    Hi Reon. I responded to your request for an explanation about hugs.
    Today is a better day than the ones I've had recently before it.

    I woke up in a good mood, which is a nice change from my depressed state as of late. :)

    I also made a phone call and got a job interview lined up for tomorrow. I'm pretty happy about this, since I really need a job. Now I just need to figure out what to wear. =X

    How are things with you?
    What's up with me?

    I'm sitting in a night gown I haven't worn since I was eleven swallowing the insides of my pickle and pacing between the back patio and my bedroom.
    It matters less of what the chaos is than it does that it no longer exists. Our forums have reformed. All of us are free. We should celebrate :clap2:
    We can all breathe a collective sigh of relief for the forums; the chaos has finally ended.
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