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  • Hello Reon! *waves back and blows a kiss* I've been trying to sort my crazy life out lol. Honestly though, I'm doing much better than I was. I've kicked out my ex bf and am regaining my sense of boundaries and personal power. It feels good. How about yourself? (:
    The fact that I share a room with sister doesn't help. She always interrupts or she starts singing when she's studying (which I don't understand at all). Now I need a silent environment to concentrate. :/

    Haha, alcohol doesn't take much of an effect on people. I never drank in my life, so I don't know what it means to be drunk, but I did observe the consequences in others. lol

    Well, the avatar will certainly change that here. People will read your post and then take a look at your avatar and it'll give a different impression. Your avatar laid back as well but it's smiling, so that gives a more approachable vibe to it. =) <--like this. lol
    Lolll. I work in the same fashion. Although, it's proving to be inefficient lately. I think the reason behind this is that my mind needs a tiny bit (seconds maybe) of a break every now and then to work better. It's like spreading meals across the day to get energy but not gain weight. :P

    Haha, well at least you had your oral presentation well delivered. I feel sometimes that sleeping late slowly fries my brain. Even if I get more hours of sleep the next day I still feel tired.

    My first year I did a lot of partying, but lately I've been avoiding them. I got tired of drunk people doing stupid things. That and I don't drink, so there's no point. Unless, there is dancing and music, I kind of skip and go for a quiet night in with my family.

    EDIT: Nice avatar by the way. Very charismatic. =)
    Guess what? I ended up writing it 4 hours before it was due. :P I gotta stop getting distracted. I see, all I have to say is: Lucky you!

    Why the messed up schedule? Too much partying :P jk.
    Haha, I have a 5 page essay to write as well...and it's due tomorrow afternoon. :P
    I have a final lab report, and then finals begin next Thursday. ALL my classes are hard. Well, perhaps not, but they sure take a lot of time to study for.

    I didn't have one for a while, but then as I began working I found the need for networking, and so I made one. I still keep it low profile and clean (as in no games and quizzes, etc.) and cut down on the statuses. :P
    My week is going great. I finished my gyroscope, and will post demo video of it on my blog soon. As for work, same as you. So many things to get done and hand in, and it's takes sooo much time. (Today is Wednesday for me too )

    Finals begin in two weeks, and so I am starting my cramming from now. lol
    How about you?
    *sigh* I am sorry to hear that happened. It really is a sucky situation to be in. I hope everything works out for the best.

    Here, just for you :hug:
    Well, excuse the language, shit you're irritated!
    We're talking about a family member here. I would be upset too if this went down in my family.

    I am so sorry this happened. Did you manage to find some of the stuff, or have insurance cover it up for you? this really sucks. :(

    Was your family ever able to contact Reggie and his brother again?
    lol, no I said one paragraph of 2-3 sentences.
    It's good that you've been practicing then. Yeah, thinking in the language helps you learn it. I am losing my french because I only think in English now.

    Oh no, it's just you mentioned that MBTI would have helped you with current issues, so I assumed there was something going on. I didn't notice anything off, I am not that psychic or observant! haha It's good that you're having a good time at college. =)

    So you ended up going back to see family? Are they proud of you that you're in college now? :P

    Gut, danke! Und dir?
    Yeah I see. Well, try writing small texts on your own. Start a blog (it doesn't have to be public) where you write 2-3 sentence paragraphs everyday about something different. This way you'll be able to put to practice the things you're learning. To learn a language you have to think in it. =)

    It seems like there's something going on with you right now. You oright? Is it about people in your social circle?

    Anyways, you don't have to say if you don't want to. =)
    How's Thanksgiving treating you?
    Not much. I am waiting to go to my
    grandfather's with my father. ):


    What about you?

    Happy Thanksgiving (:
    Lol!!! Aw. What is it about German that you're finding difficult? I took German two years ago, I can probably help a lil. The key to languages is practice, so maybe you can practice on my wall, and we'll converse in basic German for a bit. :P

    I agree about motivation. Once I loose it, it's hard for me to get it back, and that could be detrimental to my studies, as I always need to be motivated.

    The MBTI theory surely doesn't take into account the fluidity of the human psyche and personality. It can be rigid sometimes. It helped me understand a few things about myself tho, but I am starting to move past it slowly.

    Are there any other personality theories out there that you find interesting?
    Haha, don't worry, they were good thoughts indeed. =) More like wondering if everything's oright with you since we last spoke.

    Really? Did you not have to work hard before? for school or work? Don't worry tho, it's not a strange thing. I have friends who didn't know what "working hard" meant till they got to college.

    Hmm, maybe you don't find it appealing anymore? Or there's no one you can talk to anymore? (ahem ahem! :P ) If you think you would post a lot, I'd say please do, because you have some great things to say, I must admit. =) That and I need someone to butt heads with. lol
    Hey Reon!
    Strangely enough I was thinking about you this morning. =)
    I am doing very well. How have you been? Long time no talk.
    You are no asshole. I have never met you and I know this much. (Or maybe I don't know anything at all? :P )

    Some people just can't handle NTs. ;)
    Hopefully, everything else is going well with you.
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