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  • Ah, I never got to finish Crime and Punishment...I started it 7 years ago. LOL. Hamlet is also a favourite of mine. That sounds like an intersting play, if you ever remember the name, let me know so I could look it up as well.

    Fiction enriches your imagination as well as your vocabulary. There`s can be absolutely no harm done from reading. Reading always broadens the person`s vision, regardless of what you read.

    Ha! you and I both my dear. I too am very picky about who I date...which doesn`t leave that many people. If you don`t ''pick up'' chicks then how is it that you`re going to meet someone?
    I don't know - wouldn't arguing with an INFJ feel a little sad?

    Death Note = silence of the lambs and harry potter? I don't know.

    Interesting interpretation of Deathnote, particularly that last line of yours.

    In the end Light lost and Kira ruled the world.
    Really? What happened to you? What did you see?
    (I've been to spaced out the past few years to notice any INFJ rage.)

    I thought twilight for anime fans was vampire knight?

    Deathnote has such a messed up attitude towards the value of human life.
    Its interesting and fun to read, but I don't like it. :/
    Can't say being here wouldn't be a bad way to spend a night of insomnia. :)
    Agreed. Also, the people here tend to be very kind, its almost a pity there aren't more people like them in the world.

    I assume you are a fan of deathnote? :)
    Well, what are some interesting books that you read for school? perhaps you can look up the authors and check other books their wrote, or even look up the genre. That's how I find my books.

    I like stand up comedy in general. Oh one I really hate is Seinfeld. I absolutely hate his jokes. I find them tasteless. Jim Carrey too. and Steve Martin. (Although, the Pink Panther was funny) I don't know I guess my taste is just weird.

    haha, well I hope that you find the right person. Just give people a chance and you'll find someone who's good to you. But why only in college?
    I have no idea if there is pressure being a groomsman. haha! But you nifty nimble fellow I had an inkling you'd call me out on that! No, I can only imagine there's pressure. Not pressure like in the olden days, when the best man and groomsmen used to have to defend the groom from being attacked by the bride's family or someone else wanting to kidnap the bride and hold her for ransom... but, I don't know. Like, don't slip on a banana peel at the ceremony and destroy everything.

    Anyway, pride parade is LGBT thingy. Ironically enough though, it's where I met my boyfriend last year lol. It's always fun.. lots of partying in the street and such. Bitch fest is basically a bunch of women hanging out. I have no idea. (I was just invited to it by a few people I hardly know and I'm going because I'd like to get to know them better.)

    I get out of work at 12 am so by the time I get home, I'm wired from my job and up for hours.. and yelling at the birds outside my window to shut up so I can make myself fall asleep. I have about three fans going in my room to drown out the sound because I have this weird mental tick where, I can't sleep with bird noise in the background because it's already daylight and I should be up and productive. Weird. I'm still adjusting to that schedule.
    That is good. I was never able to get into those games though despite being a big fan of Final Fantasy.
    Sounds awesome!
    Eh, sorry to hear they deemed you too young but at least you don't have to deal with the pressure of being a groomsman and you can just enjoy the general splendor that is a Jamaican wedding.

    I've just been working a lot but I've got a few fun things planned such as attending the pride parade in Chicago and then something called Bitchfest this weekend. Other than that, I've been eating junk lately and being lazy so I've been feeling gross. But I've decided to get very strict about what I'm eating and get myself on a regular sleep schedule.. Because the whole going to bed at 5 or 6am and waking up at 3pm is a waste of life...
    so I understand what a difference a good amount of sleep can make.
    Hi! :D

    I almost forgot that I have one more INTJ to study on my list of friends. :) Just kidding.

    I'm fine, more than fine actually. How are you?
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