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  • Eh, I dunno, I'm torn between a lot of different things right now. I participate whenever I can, as a rule.

    I've invented lots of things but none of them physical :)
    No it's not. Especially, when I have so many interesting books I want to read but have to put aside to study. :/

    Yeah, emotional roller-coasters are a pain to deal with. I;ve felt the same way a couple of weeks ago, now I distract myself with readings and knitting. :D Want a new hobby? How about a new board-game to learn: Go (in Japanese) or Baduk (in Korean). Something I picked up a couple years back, but only got back to lately.

    Also, I don't have to say this anymore, but if you ever want to talk and chat I'm here. (:
    Learning some new stuff is always a good thing. Carpenting; art; language; or some other practical skills?

    Hmm, I hope we'll at least get closer to that, what with the common complaint recently about the Internet making people more detached. Talking about that, though; I admit I still found some hardships imagining the ideal...It's just easier to imagine a world of people struggling to live, while being kind as much as they can (which is not much), rather than the ideal world of all-loving-world -- what world would that be? Utopian, in a word; I keep finding myself somewhat in the mid of being allured and disillusioned.

    Compared to...some? Like...?

    I draw, mostly illustration-like; half-mangaesque. But I'm also learning watercolor too.
    I figured you'd like it. (:
    I've been good, preparing for my final next week. Blegh.
    How's summer treating you so far?
    XD are you doing anything for this summer?

    Yeah, it's sad but true; one's emotional resources (and others, such as time you'd mentioned) is very limited, and far easier and more effective to limit the target than expanding the resources. Although it's not an excuse to be an asshole.

    Your optimism is great XD And I agreed; simply adopting an attitude of helping -- even if we might not know them now-- would do good to society as a whole. And it'll increase the numbers. And I got the article too; it's from Cracked;

    Yeah, nostalgia in that part is really understandable, except that nostalgia itself is, by itself, another rendition.../sighs. It's quite pathetic, when you think about it in that way. :| I understand the pain of change, but....changing something back is still changing. /musing

    I think I'm somewhat random in my taste of music; a mixture of more mainstream pop with some random things (gregorian chants?) thrown in. And video game OSTs too (I currently am listening to Street Fighter IV's ost. It has an ambience of jazz lounge-y XD). Also more obscure forms of J-pop, and receiving osmosis of K-pop from my brother. (SNSD. the shaking hiiips -_-)

    Yep, that's the case with online games. The current one is somewhat interesting, but I dunno...yet. Am kinda focusing on drawing these days; I've gotten really distracted!
    Yep. Funny thing about humans. We can't really do the whole "connect and understand one another" on a global level. Our treasured ability to communicate is quite limited. Most people have a hard time dealing with the people they see day to day. I think the problem with trying to learn about culture is that the culture, inherently, influences the way the culture sees things, even the culture itself. It's a random theory on the subject but I believe that culture influences culture itself in a rather circular way. It's hard to describe but I see it everywhere, especially gaming culture. The gaming culture as of the 1990s and now are so drastically different for example and trying to bridge the gap between the two is a bit hard. And that's a relatively small culture. There's not much history to it.
    About the difficulty of connecting, I agreed. I read an article somewhere that human's maximum attention were only somewhat limited to....some number of people, but definitely not much (village-sized, I think.) The rest of them become something of a caricature of themselves. Not to add the currently widespread apathy and ignorance......

    It's sad, but it's true. I sure hope it'd be changed for the better though.

    Definitely agreed on how cultures influence their own culture. It'd be something like....Running the Asylum, I suppose. People inside one's culture learned, grew, saw, and analyzed the culture itself, creating changes according to their own (culturally-influenced) values...changing the culture. An endless cycle. And you're only talking about gaming circles.

    How about nations? /brr. Or religion?

    I've just played an online game yesterday. It's quite interesting but I don't know how long it'll keep me, again. :|

    Talking about music, what kind of music do you usually listen to?

    Quite fine, hasn't been into the forums for one-two weeks (usually just pops in and then go back again) already xD

    And I realized I hadn't replied on your visitor message.

    How are you too ? Are you in summer holiday now?
    Oh, I see. I was a little confused about that. Glad you're in school, though. Hope it works out well for you!
    that may or may not be. but either way, it's a burden she apparently seems willing to take on. i guess she loves you for everything you are, even the things that are difficult to deal with. thats true love. you'll be able to see it in her eyes. : ]
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