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  • :) :) :p

    yes it's hard.. i'm not competing with them though.. it's just that they're far more intelligent than I am in Math and I can't understand the lessons well because I have to cope up with them because the teacher teaches very fast and does not explain that much in advance math class

    :( :(

    sure np :)
    it's a lot of load!!!!! on my head bwahahhahaha

    I ONCE used to be good in Math.. last year I was really good then this year, they picked all the top 40 people out of 270 plus people in our batch who's good in math and I was one of them and so......... IT BECAME COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!!!

    i can't COPE UP WITH the valedictorian in our batch and all the SUPER INTELLIGENT PEOPLE.... the teacher teaches too fast because she expects everyone to know it right away... considering we're the top 40 people in Math in our batch

    so now......I SUCK AT MATH!!!! :( :( :( I hope I won't be joining advanced class in math next year so I would get it all back again

    oh sure you're practicing your English so... it will get better :) :)
    oh I.T. and all..isn't that complicated?

    uhmmm C.L.E. (Christian life education)
    English, Math, Science, AP (araling panlipunan, we're specifically studying world history), Chinese and Filipino, we also have Baking and computer classes and Music and P.E. <--those are our NON-ACA classes.. non academic :)
    :) :) :hug: I just took a nap ahahaha and now I'm back to studying :) :)

    whoo!!! studying is stressful :(

    Good luck too :) :hug:
    hello :)

    our long tests are done so I'm kind of relieved now

    but I am sick and my head hurts like whoa! :(
    my back hurts a lot!!!!!!! it's like i weight lifted in the gym grrrrrrrr


    how are you? and your studies? :p

    Ravie... I have to go.. I don't want to talk to you anymore

    JOKE!!!!! :p I have to rest and sleep ahahahaah it's 11:30 pm here and I have to wake up at around 5:30 am to study again and go to school

    anyways.. hope you're having a good time god bless and take care

    see ya! :) :) ;)
    I said I THOUGHT i am not thinking it right now :p :p

    ahahahahah I know I know... chillax bwahahahaha :p

    I'm listening to spice girls music ahahahahah :) :) they're my favorite when I was about 5 years old and I'm listening to their music again :p
    :) :) :) what!?!?!? no i didn't!!!!!!

    ahahahaha I just THOUGHT you didn't want to talk to me at that moment ahahahha

    what are you doing!!?!?! :)
    :p nah it's okay

    i'm fine ahahahah I'm practicing my "acting" for our poem thing ahahahahaha
    and choreographing for our music class
    and reading my history book
    and listening t0 blah blah blah by ke$ha
    ahahahhahaha :) :) :)
    hi I'm fine.. i'm contented with what I have now bwhahhahaha

    I'm just pressured in my school work :) :) but otherwise everything is going fine.. I try to eliminate the bad thoughts I have and concentrate on the positive ones :) :) :)

    I'm happy for you!!! :)
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