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  • Hi Roger -- Ravin? I'm doing great, we had snow on Friday here, but it obligingly melted away, and now it is just cold and rainy. Brrr. Am looking forward to spring! How about you? Are you getting ready to start a new term (semester?) Hope exams went well.
    hello Rogie!!! :) :) oh don't worry it's okay it's alright ahahahaha it's fine

    hope you do well with that OPTICAL FIBRE whatever bwahahahahahahaha
    no worries :p

    we will talk next year

    joke :p yeah soon !! :hug:
    God bless always
    hi Rog!!! :) :) :)

    ahahhahaha I went to yoga this morning then to ballet and I'm happy because I was able to do the poses in yoga and steps in ballet well compared to other days :) :) :)

    about Lizzie though, I STILL DON'T KNOW how to tell her gently, kindly, and not awkwardly that I need distance and I feel that most of the times she doesn't like me :( :( :(

    otherwise, I'm fine thank you :) :)

    bout you!?!? :)
    Rog!!!!!!!! hi! :hug: :hug: I'm soooo sooo soo sorry I have to go.. I'll promise I'll reply to you soon!!!!!!!

    God bless you!!!!!! :) I will update you on my problem :(
    thank you friend :) :) :) :hug: :hug:

    I'm sorry if I didn't reply right away... I practiced our poem thing in school :)
    okay good I'm going too ahahahha :) it's 11 pm :) I have to study ahahahahha

    god bless buhbye!!!!!! :) :) :p

    talk to you soon :)
    ahahahahaha :) :) :) it's kind of okay considering they're not too exposed to Asians as compared to us Asians who are exposed to all those western culture because it's very influential

    ahahhaha yes I understand that :)

    well... I first find my disposition.... I'll enter a prayer room find my prayer disposition in silence... then I would pray to God in my head.. like a friend, a father, an adviser, a counselor, a protector, a best friend hee hee and so on :) :)
    oh my gosh that's sooo right!!!!

    we go on talking and most of them are like... what she/he say? or they'd be like what?...and they may think like.. okay they're weird

    ahahahahahha it's kind of irritating when sometimes I get the feeling that some of them think we're dumb or so bwahahhaha but it's also funny because it's weird how we get to accept theirs and understand both cultures when some of them don't... and they think that we don't know anything... when in fact we kind of do :) :)

    ahahahahaah it's funny being Asian when surrounded by Americans and Europeans.. it's like.. we're so different

    :) :) ahahha I actually can't really relate to most of them... and I am shocked by most of their culture but I have nothing against it because we're all different and that's what makes it lovely :)

    My classmate went to America last summer and there were americans going like "Hi Asians!" ahahahahahaha it was weird :) :) :) :)

    what's nice about being Asian is that we have a diverse culture and it's really something unique :)
    what did I cook!?!? ahahahah

    uhmm.. we were actually talking about how most of the times we can't relate to the people here because they have different cultures and those cultures are far from our cultures...and that we're like aliens in the INFJ forum <-- ironically, as he said

    and I said that YOU are also like an alien because you have a different culture .. you're Indian...definitely not like the majority of the people here

    ahahahha :) :p
    uhh no :) :) ahahhaha actually I don't really know bwahahaha

    cuz it's like this... we have a mixed culture..cultural diffusion happened during the past

    and so... we have muslim people in the mindanao (one of the three major islands in the philippines) and we are a Catholic dominated country..most of us are Catholic Christians.. others are Protestants

    and A LOT of people here where I live are Buddhist.. because there are a lot of Chinese here.. and I'm part of the Chinese-Filipino community here but I'm not a buddhist because i may have Chinese blood but me and my parents aren't really devoted to Chi. traditions... we're dominantly Filipino

    my mother is half Chinese :) so i'm 1/4.. but I'm really dominantly Filipino :) :) <--I feel more Filipino than Chinese
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