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  • hello :) yes everything is ok :) :) just fine... i just hate all the assignments :( :( :( hahahaha how about you?
    Thank you Roger. That was very kind of you and much appreciated. I'm good thanks, friend. Enjoying a quiet day. It's snowing outside and there is carrot and coriander soup for dinner. How about you?
    It is now time for lunch here! Yay! And I am glad today is Friday. I posted a snow picture for you to see! (-:
    Hi Rog! I am not in IT, well, not really. I started out life as an artist, actually, a painter... then went into graphic design (print) due to a pressing need for a regular paycheck, and am currently discovering a love for programming such as ActionScript and some web design (HTML, CSS, yada yada yada...) . So I am sort of peripherally IT-involved.

    I haven't known that much struggle... well, everybody has struggle, in their own way... but I never wanted anyone's pity. Certainly not for my hearing loss. Never! My mother cried so much when she found I had this hearing loss, I remember that vividly as a small child, but I wondered why on earth she was so upset. (?) It never slowed me down, much... though I suppose it makes me less social... but then, there is something to be said for being a little more introspective anyway.
    :p whew!! okay have fun reading the threads i hope you get a lot of lessons from it..

    i hope you don't mind me leaving .. it's 12 midnight here and i'm kinda sleepy :) ahahah and i'm going to the doctor early morning

    I PROMISE i'll talk to you soon :) :) and i will tell you the results.. i'm scared... I hope it's not something to worry about...

    GOD BLESS YOU!!!!!!!! :hug:
    hahahahahaha :) you're funny :) :) hahahahaha yeah turn the music on and dance!!!!!!! :)) :)) :p don't you have assignments or homeworks!?!?! :))

    ahahahahaha :)
    i'm listening to music ahahahha :) :) and making dance steps in my head :) :) :) :p and i am thinking about what to wear in our interaction next saturday :) :) well.. I just wanted to try it :) :) ahahhahaa I like trying new things:) :) i just feel like it ahahhaha

    how about you!?!?!?!? :p
    you're mad at me!?!?! :( :( :( nooooo!!!!!!!! :( :( I was shy to talk about it... :) :) but it doesn't mean i don't like you as a friend... i'm sorry :( please don't be mad :( :( you're not talking to me anymore!??!... i don't have cancer.. i just.. have a symptom of cancer. .. just one... but i don't know yet.. if it's a cyst or something.. i'm going to the doctor tomorrow..

    please do not not talk to me :( you're such a good friend :) :) :)
    Hi Roger! Good morning from Atlanta, GA, USA~ (well, good afternoon, I suppose, LOL!) Yes, it snowed! This is a rare occurrence here, we usually have very mild weather. It is way below freezing, also a rare occurrence... I have to work today )-: but my husband is at home, and he and the little boys are going to try to make snowballs and snowmen. Here, snowballs usually have a lot of dirt and leaves mixed in because we only got about an inch of snow, and mostly only on the grassy or wooded areas - it melts off the concrete, mostly. Further north, you can make proper snowmen and really go sledding, etc... The kids are beside themselves with excitement! The roads are rather treacherous, because though the snow is not deep, parts of it have melted, then re-frozen, and formed very, very, very, very slippery ice patches. So, schools are closed. Rush hour has become "IceCapades"!
    IT is such a great & interesting field. Do you know where Hyderabad is? The company where I work employs lots of IT people there and I work with them fairly regularly. They're all so nice. (-:
    hello Roger!! :) :) hihihihi :)) :)) how are you? I hope you're fine and i hope you had fun watching the tennis match :) :)
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