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  • aww thank you!!!!! you're really a kind person :) :) you're soo kind and positive :) :) but what if... i absorb other people's emotions... it's like when others are sad.. even if i'm not.. i feel sad for them.. it's hard..
    but it's really amazing how you mastered that positive thinking a lot.. don't other people affect your mood? your emotions? :) :)
    do you have siblings? if you do have.. they are lucky to have a brother like you :) your parents are proud of you aren't they? :) :)

    wow you are wise :) :) :)
    if you're telling me I can do it then you can do it too :) :) hihihi... :) :) :) :p I really hope you become a successful entrepreneur/businessman someday :) :) how many years does it take to finish your course?.. i'm planning to go to a med school... (to be a psychologist / pediatrician or surgeon) .. but it takes ten years... i plan to be able to give a positive effect on the lives of others by showing care love and happiness to them :) :) :) but I know that I have to develop myself too

    oh... WOW HOW CAN YOU HAVE SUCH A POSITIVE OUTLOOK IN LIFE!?!?!?... it's wonderful.. you're stable.. emotionally stable... me.. i'm very very very happy at times then i become sad.. then happy again then mad.. ahahha I know it's normal but.. you know.. it's better if you have a positive output in life... how do you do it!?!?!?! amazing!!!
    aww thank you very much! :) :) that meant a lot to me..i'm really happy i became your online friend :) :)
    yes i do hope and pray that someday, i will understand these things college far better than high school for you?... academically.. i think it is more challenging and serious but.. emotionally? do you think college is better?
    and oh... i am really troubled because i sleep like only 3 to 4 hours everyday because of studying .. and I do get honors and awards/ merits academically but.. i am pressured by my parents... to work even harder.. but that's all i can give.. and this quarter, i have lower grades and.... i don't think i'll have an honor and.. i feel sad and worried because if i don't get an honor i feel dumb and stupid and ashamed :( :(

    thanks for the hug!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs hugs hugs!!!*
    wow it's nice you do yoga regularly.. i barely have time for it.. i can only practice it at most 2 times a week.. sometimes i do it one time a week :) :) i wish i could practice it more :) :) .... oh i'm not yet in college i'm still in high school :p i'm afraid to go to college.. it seems so distant and i feel like i won't be able to belong :) :) .... well high school is not nice for me too.. i mean all the immature people... it's just.. something i think not for me... i have been hurt a lot of times.. and am still hurt.. but i'm kind of recovering from that hopefully, i can sustain my positive attitude... sometimes.. i love school because of my friends but sometimes.. i hate going to school .. also because of my friends... i mean high school affected me in every single way... and mostly, harsh ways :( :( you're lucky you have good people around you :)
    hihihihi :) :) no problem... i do not really know a lot about it but we do have breathing exercises at the start of the class and before the class ends :) :) ours is done in a heated room for 1 and a half hours... how about yours? how many hours is that?
    really?? yay they are given equal rights... i hope they don't abuse it though :) :)
    you are in college right? what course are you taking? what profession do you want?
    ohhh :) :) omg!!!!!! i know that line :) :) we use to say that line everyday during our english speech class.. :) :) but ours is like.. "everyday, in everyway, i am getting better and better and i believe it" :) :) :) hahahahaha :) is yours the meditative kind of yoga? what do you do there?

    oh and i have a question.. do women still have lesser rights than men in India?
    oh no problem you deserved the rep :) :)

    wow! you do yoga too!!!!!!!! how nice!!!!!! it's cool huh.. especially what you feel after doing yoga? ahahahaha i feel really good after doing yoga and bikram yoga is hard and i exert a lot of energy but then after class.. it returns even twice the energy i exerted :) :)

    really!?!? salsa originated from India? i thought it was like a latin mexican type of dance? :) :)
    YES!!! IT'S SOO MUCH FUN!!!!! there's SALSA in India!?!? HOW COOL!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I DO YOGA!!! OH MY GOSH!! YOU DO YOGA TOO!?!?!?!??!!? :) :) :) :) ...... there are different types of yoga.. like ashtanga, vinyasa, hatha, and hot yoga.. i do Bikram Yoga.. discovered by Bikram Choudry if i'm not mistaken... I LOVE YOGA!!!!! it makes me more relaxed and it gives me energy... it even makes me thinner ahahahahha :) :) :)
    ahahahah that's nice!! ... oh you're feeling nice because you are a positive person... i enjoy reading your posts because they give me this light hearted feeling.. it's like you have a happy view of life :) :) ... yes i do know salsa dance.. ahahahahaha it involves a lot of hip movements ahahahah :) do you dance salsa!?!?!!? :) :)
    hello:) :) hahaha i just replied to your thread about the one with the girl of your dreams :) :) :) it's soo cool :p
    Hi Ravin! How are you? The way you write is like prose sometimes, I enjoy reading your posts. I love the way you look at life. :)
    thank you so much :) :) and thank you also for your prayers ahahhaha that's soo funny the haircut thing :p hihihi... you too study hard and well :) .. oh and you can always leave me a message if you want to :) i'll answer them whenever i go online :) :)
    thank you!! see you soon too! :) :)
    thank you :) :) ... and thank you for not finding me weird hahahahhaha :) :) oh yes friendship is very important in life... well i think that love is meant for everybody.. but of course... not the romantic love.. because... i would want to be FULLY COMMITTED to a partner.. like you know.. yes you're right the romantic side of my heart.. will only be for him.. forever :) :) i would feed him everyday with love :) :) .... but love is for everybody.. not the romantic love.. love as in.. friendship love... there are different aspects of love ahahahha :) :)

    roger.. thanks for chatting with me i really really appreciate it!!! :) :)
    but i really have to go now.. i have classes tomorrow .. school again!! after the long christmas holiday break.. anyways.. i hope to chat with you soon! again... and God bless!!! take care!! :) :) and always smile! :) :)
    ahahahha yeahp yeahp i have an online brother :) :) :) it sounds crazy and weird ahahahahha i just crave for brothers or sisters because i don't have one.. i'm an only child.. and i hate it :) :) I think I kind of like.. most of the times.. have fun anywhere.. because i get it from what inner strength/ inner peace i have... i believe that when one develops inner strength/ inner peace... whatever difficulty the person is experiencing... he will eventually get through it because nothing can destroy whatever strength he has built in him :) :) .. oh for me.. best friend/ friendship is a strong bond/ deep connection.. wherein you understand each other both, you know each other, you are comfortable with each other.. accept the flaws of each other.. it's more of like a strong and deep bond.. something which can not be build that easy... you have to be connected emotionally :) :) and I think there are more to those things than friendship.. :) :) of course love is there (not romantically though ahah)
    is gujarati the highest caste system in hindu? .. well then if that is.. maybe you do have more rights than others... :) :) maybe you do have less limited rights.. ahahhaha maybe they're also jealous but i understand you too... there's a point that it is some what not unfair because it's not your fault that you belong to that caste system :) :) .. oh yeah a LOT LOT LOT of people don't understand me.. and I know A LOT OF PEOPLE who don't like me.. i don't even think anyone likes me.. o well.... yes i think it is some what safe making best friends online.. i think it depends on the person you meet online and.. it depends on you.. if you really really trust that person.. :) :) i have online friends... but not best friends... i even have an online brother ahahahhaha :) :)
    you're lucky because you have close friends... oh nobody really likes me that much in real life.. i have no best friends or close friends.. i only have friends :) :) ...we study about world history including religions in our school and we learned about the caste system.. isn't it something that you're born with.. like there's no social mobility and you can't change it?.... yes i also do believe that everyone is equal.. oh don't worry... the time will come when we will all get to understand our religion and i think everybody deserves to be loved equally too.. don't worry :) :)
    then playing the guitar feeds your soul very much :) :) hihihi yeah you're lucky you have close friends..very very lucky :) :).... i see that punjabi in his songs .. what is punjabi anyway? :) :) do you know silki? silky kumar? ahaha i always saw him in MTV last last year i think ahahahaha AR Rahman.. i love his indian songs :) :) :)
    ahahha no i'm not amazing too i'm just normal ahhahaha :) :) but thank you for that compliment :) :) hindu nice!! i've always found that religion complex complicated and interesting :) :) let's both feed our souls then hahahaha :) :) did you find that feeling too? like it's a mixture of magic.. it's like there's this energy coming out from you.. and it's like you're in your best state it's magic, dream, and reality at the same time :) :) :) ohhh i listen to indian music too :) :) although i think i listen to the more modern indian music hahahah like jai ho :) :) or i know this one indian music it's pufle ufle.. and ringa ringa by AR Rahman :) :) and do you know jay sean? i think he's half indian or something... his songs have that indian beat to it :) :) :)
    intelligent??? oh nooo i'm not intelligent hihihi i just answered based on what i feel :) :) ooohhh thanks :) :) what's your religion? Hinduism? Buddhism? Islam? Catholic? :) :) ahahahha you're funny nooo i don't do soul dances... :) :) i just dance :) :) i dance ballet, jazz, contemporary/modern dances.. sometimes even hip hop, ballroom, and whatever hihi i just relate my soul to dance.. you know it's like... i love to dance because it feeds my soul.. it's like food to my sould.. it completes me.. it makes me helps me release and express whatever i'm feeling which i can not explain ... i explain it or express it through dancing... :) :) :) ... you can call it soul dance if you want hihihhihihi :) :) do you like dancing?? :) :) then if you do like dancing... find that energy.. that feeling.. it's like uplifting.. it's not you.. it's your soul that's dancing... it's like entering into a deep trance wherein your soul is using your body to express deep emotions :) :)
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