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  • :) :) ohhh you're an ENFP ahahha i thought you are an INFJ... okay.. yes!!! i go to a Church and I'm catholic christian.. met.. in person!?!? if that 's literally then no not in person.. but spiritually I do think so :) :) and it feel sooo soo soo right to meet Him spiritually... I feel loved .. so much loved :) :) :)
    ahahahahahaha :) :) oh my gosh you are so funny :) :) :) :p : P ahahahahaha sure thanks for that prayer. or whatever that is ahahahah :p and again... i am SCARED to go to parlors and such... how about you!?!?! don't you feel weird going to salons :) :) :p
    oohh thanks!!! hihihi :) :) hello!! :) my haircut is fine bwahahahaha damn i just have to really find a hairstylist whom i'm comfortable with :) :) :) BUT MY FOREHEAD.. IS NOT FINE :) :) :) :) HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR! GOD BLESS :) :) :)
    Hi! Well, nothing much, just are you? Did you start your holiday from school yet? I haven't watched any movies lately, just the series of you like it?! :D
    Hi Ravin, sorry that I took so long to get back to you, I have been busy, but I didn't forget about you!. I really like your new avatar. ~Namaste~
    Hiiiiiiii :) Merry Christmas & Happy New year to you too! Sorry, I haven't been on here for so long, but I've been really sick lately. Take care :)
    Thanks, sure, I wouldn’t mind that. Which part of India are you from? My weekend’s ok. How about yours?
    Lol. Well, I know a thing or two. A buddy (she's Indian) and I wanted to go there last summer to volunteer (but didn't end up going). We were deciding between Jaipur and Dharamsala (did I spell that right?). She said Dharmsala's better, has nicer weather (Jaipur can get too hot, from what I hear), and has mountains. We wanted to explore the city during our free time there. I'm still planning on going, likely alone, within the next few summers. Maybe you can tell me more about the two cities.
    Ohhh okay. Haha. It must have been a mistake on their part. Or it could've been because I was on meebo. Don't worry about it. You are on my list. xD
    Not everyone in our culture are unfriendly and disconnected, but a LOT of them are. I wonder what your culture is like, are most people friendly?

    I would really like to keep in touch with you too. I'm happy that I can now say I have a friend in India. I used to be very closed minded to other cultures and relgions but now I appreciate them so much. There is so much beauty in the world that I have not explored.
    I find that most Canadians and Americans aren't open enough to tell someone they are sweet and caring, I think we have one of the worst "cultures" in the world. It makes me smile to see how openly friendly you are, and how willing you are to compliment. You make me smile very often.
    Anyway, to answer your question my favourite things to do are reading, writing poetry, watching movies, swimming, playing video games, and camping, to name a few. What about you, what do you spend most of your time doing?
    It is a compliment, it is hard to describe but it means that you are a sweet person. It is a term of endearment that Ria uses, I stole it from her. But yeah, you are muffin, and that's a good thing :)
    Yep. I'm alright, one more final to go. :l
    And you? By the way, what was the question? It's bugging me now. Lol
    Roger! I haven't talked to you in a while. What was that question you wanted to ask me before? I'm sorry I didn't get to respond. I was afk at the time.
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